
Well Known Member
So my wife likes to track me when I fly. Usually, when I file IFR you can go to www.flightaware.com and track me live. Go there now and enter n48lh and you'll find my flight home from OSH.

But when I go VFR, there is no way to track me. Well, almost true. I?m a Ham Radio operator. Call Sign N1IP. I usually take a little handheld radio with me when I fly vfr and it can be hooked to a portable gps and there is a national network of stations that listen and capture special broadcast messages, save them on a huge internet based database server and you can then poll them either live or after the fact to view the current location of any Ham that is active on this system. This whole thing is called APRS (Amateur Packet Reporting System).

Well, I took that radio setup with me when I flew from Atlanta (actually Lawrenceville - KLZU, to Fairmont, MN) to meet up with some other Lancair pilots and friends of mine.

I'm able to go back and capture the "track" of that flight and I have tools that will let me bring it up on Google Earth. Usually I can have it show altitude, but for some reason that didn't work this flight. :(

Anyway, I got the flight, put it in google earth and saved the track. It's attached to the bottom of this post. To see it just download it and load it in google earth (Mac users click it, Window users double click it). If you zoom around and zoom in and out of the various locations, you can see what I flew over and the specific airports that I took off from and landed at. I stopped at one that isn't shown.

Because this entire APRS system uses radio waves that are VHF (same frequency range as airplanes use), if I'm not heard, then the system just links the last 2 locations together. In this case, I wasn't heard when I was in the boonies of IA and on my way to AWG - Washington, AI for fuel. Its actually just south of the last part of the course line.

Anyway, figured I'd share a little low tech tracking technology with ya :)...

http://www.highrf.com/Rockets/Track For N1IP-3.kmz (Right click the link and save it and then open it with Google Earth loaded.)
I think that would be a great tool for finding downed aircraft. At least it could narrow the track significantly.
Very Nice.

I need to figure out how to add APRS into the plan.

Phil - N5QCN....
APRS is wonderful, anybody can track you from anywhere they can get an internet connection, like family members, people you are meeting, etc. I flew to Key West in April and it was neat to have the people I was meeting know when I was going to arrive. The RV will be getting its own dedicated APRS transmitter and antenna (http://www.byonics.com/microtrak/). There is a minimally active Yahoo group dedicated to APRS in aircraft called Aero-APRS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aero_aprs/

Highest Regards,

Noah Forden
RV-7A Finishing
Rhode Island
Thanks for the information! Looks like somethng else to try out.
Any details on how to grab the track from aprs on the internet and convert it to KML/KMZ?
~Andy (KA0SNL) IL
ttflyer said:
Thanks for the information! Looks like somethng else to try out.
Any details on how to grab the track from aprs on the internet and convert it to KML/KMZ?
~Andy (KA0SNL) IL

Yep, go look for a Java tool called APRSKML, (easiest thing is to google for aprs google earth) it will load up a Java applet that Google earth connects to and then you can use the aprs servers in either realtime or batch mode to plot things on google earth. Once you have a track up on GE, then just click it on the left in the explorer and save it as a KML or KMZ
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