
I'm New Here
As a potential RV10 builder I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the new 4.0 Centurion Diesels as power choices for the RV10?

Thielert's website talk about "plans" to bring out a Kit engine soon. The 4.0 is being used in 182's and 206's and 414 mods. Cessna just signed a big deal with these guys making them even more popular.

You would get almost double the range and the whole FFwd with FADEC in one shot. $$$$$ yes, longrun, mabey not if AVGASS goes even crazier.
Sounds like a good idea if you can afford the initial outlay and you plan on doing a lot of flying to make up the upfront costs. The good thing is that you have a FWF unit that has met FAA approval in other planes. Be prepared to do A LOT more work than a Lyco installation. It will not be a bolt on and go situation. I had my engine bolted on in six hours but all the fun stuff takes forever because it will be a custom fit to the RV-10. You will have to get a custom made cowl. If you mechanically inclined and like experimenting, I say go for it. If you want simple(compared to the auto engines) standard installation go with the Lyco.

Ya, I still plan on the IO540's. It would be very $$$$. I think hey will stop making AVGAS eentualy but not in the next 10 years.
The Centurion engines are actually Mercedes engines with a FADEC system, drive reduction gear system and Propellor.

As an experimental aircraft builder you may be able to find out which Mercedes engine they are using, buy it and figure out how to make the reduction gear drive and then buy the propeller.

The FADEC system might not be as complicated as it sounds as I bet the system is a minor adaptation of the Mercedes fuel injection system.

Let us know how that works out.
A better choice for the RV-10 would be the SMA diesel. Weight is much less, and you won't have to worry about exceeding the Vne at altitude.

Although the 230hp SMA won't win a time-to-climb in the -10, neither will it give up power as you climb due to the turbo. Too, diesels can run pretty much 100% power 100% of the time if you really want to, and as noted you can fly the same mission with less fuel on board.

Contact Leonard Harris at Aircraft Conversions in Atlanta as to pricing and availability for experimentals - I heard a rumor they may be willing to sell to the experimental market now.
Check out these guys in South Africa

This is a new design - not a modified car engine. Runs on Mogas or LL100. Turbo version is 320hp but a NA version is under development @ 260-280hp. Still all the FF issues with a non-standard engine but this certainly got my attention.

Or how about a IO540 with low compression pistons running Mogas? Lose some HP but the -10 is hardly short with 260hp!