
Well Known Member
There’s an excellent possibility that the digital flight data from your landing can provide valuable safety data if we can assemble, say, a hundred landings at Oshkosh. The landings do not have to be RVs or even homebuilts, but that’s probably where the most data will come from.

These data will support a FOQA study to document traffic patterns as actually flown, starting one minute before descent from pattern altitude to turning off the runway. This study will hopefully generate quantitative data that can be used to assess landing risks encountered.

Please email me the csv file of your Oshkosh landing (entire file preferred), what kind of avionics made the recording, and what kind of plane you were flying to [email protected]. Encourage your friends to, also.

And yes, I used to do this kind of analysis professionally.

Thanks in advance on behalf of all who will benefit,

Ed Wischmeyer
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