Did I get a date!

Well I have lost two future exwifes while I was building mine.. does that count ? I don't miss them very much, but my RV is awesome..


I didn't get the date( But my friend did!!!)... and it was not an RV.... It was a helicopter and I was trying to hook Ty up with his new "friend" but she did not want to listen to me... she just wanted to do wing-overs and other fairly interesting manuevers that included pitch and roll just shy of the legal limit.... Ty was building the tail when they met. Now Ty and his new bride are married! She is a private fixed wing and he is finishing his private. She is now hinting at a wing kit.... (WHAT A CATCH!). I had already met my GF several years ago and I was already a pilot... and she loves flying in the Yankee as well as the helicopter, especially on the 4th of July! The Yankee was not quite as fast as the rv but she didn't care... she loved it and she cannot wait for me to get an RV.
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Not me


But I got a photo.
How about a second date in a crappy old rented Cheetah? No? Oh well, we're creeping up on 20 years together; she still puts up with me and the rental Cheetah has been upgraded to an RV-8, which she quite likes.
Date, Engagement, Wedding

My Cessna 140 got me a date (with future wife) since my RV was still under construction. After her first ride in the RV (two years later) I was engaged to get married (actually proposed at OSH, magic happens when in the presents of 5000 airplanes).

You should never under estimate the power and effect an airplane has. They can get you places you were not intending to go.

Anna's RV grin!
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I've taken quite a few lovely young ladies for rides in my -9, including my wife and daughter. They weigh less, smell better, and are prettier than my male friends!
Yes, I have pictures but will not post them in order to protect the innocent (me :rolleyes:).

I can hear you! :)

I've taken quite a few lovely young ladies for rides in my -9, including my wife and daughter. They weigh less, smell better, and are prettier than my male friends!
Yes, I have pictures but will not post them in order to protect the innocent (me :rolleyes:).
No, I did not get a date because I had an RV, I got the RV because of the date:D---but our first date did include flying the old Stinson.

She is the one who suggested getting the 10, and I am smart enough to not argue with something like that. ;)
Dont want to throw a wet rag on this fun, but in all fairness to those who dont already know better, I think those that LOST a spouse/partner due to their RV far outweigh those that gained one. Gotta keep it real here. On a positive note, perhaps those on both sides of the coin are better off for it : )

Well not a first date but....

Well not a first date but....
I have been telling my wife that aerobatics is like sex. Sooooo a couple of Weeks ago she turned to me and said:
Well ok then lets try something simple like a loop.
We were fully loaded with camping gear. I declined and she still has no clue why. You have to understand; we are still working on the weight and balance issue. No, you can't take all that stuff....

Next week and a little more smug she made the same request so I offered a roll which I felt would be a better introduction, and not scare a newbie off.
Nose up and around we went. Bob Hoover would have been proud. Very genital with the scenery overhead changing from blue to green to blue again.

Then she turns to me and gushes
That WAS just like sex. I was hardly ready, then I was upside down, then it was over....

...Tell me about a hesitation roll. :rolleyes:

I suspect she had been planning this for longer than I knew. Made me laugh though.


Then she turns to me and gushes
That WAS just like sex. I was hardly ready, then I was upside down, then it was over....

...Tell me about a hesitation roll. :rolleyes:

I suspect she had been planning this for longer than I knew. Made me laugh though.

Too funny but just what is a genital roll?:D

You Betcha!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Tube.................

met the nicest person in the world at hobby hill flyin 5 years ago and been perfect since. no picks of first flight with her but been smooth sailing since. good luck to all seareching for miss perfect.
Well not a first date but....
I have been telling my wife that aerobatics is like sex...

Nose up and around we went. Bob Hoover would have been proud. Very genital with the scenery overhead changing from blue to green to blue again ...

Hmmm ... no wonder flying is like sex with you ... you're not taking ME for a ride, dude ... :D

[Dang, Pierre, you beat me to it.]
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Got a date and he has an RV too

He chased me to Osh as my wing man and I chased him all the way back.


Lost a wife and 2 girlfriends over the project, but I'm dating a good girl now who just can't get enough of "airplane stuff" - looks good so far!
A date???? WATCH OUT

OK so here I am, it's the mid 90s and I'm flitting about the countryside in my 4,enjoying the life of a footloose bachelor, aw what a life. (the 4 cost me wife #2) o well ..... But wait ! This is happiness no woman can stand!!! so here comes wife #1, waiting in the wings after 20 years,,,,,I guess I was a hard act to follow.

She says she loves to fly and worst of all, Pot roast and mashed potatoes were waiting in her lair. TRAPPED, MY ONE WEAKNESS.

Well, it wasn't too bad except all of the sudden she seemed to think she was my equal and wanted to sit alongside of me instead behind me. so here I am, what am I to do... I was forced to build an rv6. aw, A happy wife is a happy life,,,,,,,,,,,, Time passes,many hours from the mountains of Colorado to the keys of Florida, to Arlington, to Copperstate. Then the words I feared the most "I can fly this thing, It's a piece of cake" and she got her ticket, plus she got a tail dragger rating and then she wants to go out and fly with girls.......terror,,,,,mayby I should build her a 7A,,,,,,ya that it.
The 7 flies in the summer of 08 and I think all is well!

We have a yellow lab that my wife loves.(when I die I want come back as her lab) and a problem arises, the lab cannot go with us on our grand aventures.... And the words rv10 keep coming up our conversations and I don't know what to do. Am I going to be forced to go back down to the shop again....

so guys, beware,, there are are women out there that will tempt you with pot roast and mashed potatoes and you will be forced to spend the rest of your life building airplanes to keep her happy and in the air.
Been there, done that...

The 7 flies in the summer of 08 and I think all is well!

.... And the words rv10 keep coming up our conversations and I don't know what to do. Am I going to be forced to go back down to the shop again....


.....and SHE is the reason we have a -10. Climbing out....er...extracting ourselves....er groaning to get out of the -6, one day, she asks...."Pierre, have you considered a -10?" WOW!...keep talking, Lady..the rest is history.

Our itinerary is Charleston on Thursday...her idea.

Does this count as a date

My grandniece wanted to fly. We celebrated her 9th birthday with this one.

My bride of over 40 years does not share my enthusiasm for flying. She does enjoy our grandchildren. We have made the trip to see our daughter, her husband and their children in both of the RV's I have owned. The 4 hour flight beats the 14 hour drive.
The good thing is my flying has not cost me a wife.
First Date

A customers wife, RV7a, said she knew someone that might like flying, when I mentioned I did not have anyone to travel with. Carol and I have been flying high for 4 years now. She got her private licence this year. Really enjoys flying. She can't understand why so many wifes don't like to GO Flying.

RVs found me a girlfriend! And 100s of friends. I never thought about the people when I first started wanting an RV. I used to fly to OSH from my home Base in Grand Case, St Martin, by myself in my P35 Bonanza, Stay the week and not really connect with many people. I had very few airplane friends in the Caribbean. Carol meets lots of people and has added so much and expanded my horizions. Carol and RVs,,, what a combo!!

Carol found our new C180J 'Paul Revere' by networking around airports. She is like a puppy, never meets a stranger.
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Married by Vetterman Exhaust!

Back in 2001, I had flown my RV-4 to a small fly-in in North Texas. The fly-in was over and I was about to fly the 400 miles back home to New Mexico. Right as I was about to get in my RV-4, an RV-6 I had not seen before flew overhead emitting an unusual popping sound from the exhaust. The RV-6 landed and taxied up and parked right next to my RV-4. Sitting inside was a beautiful young lady with an older gentleman. Long story short, as the RV-6 had departed Dallas, TX and was enroute to a farm in kansas, the Vetterman exhaust on the engine had developed a crack by the cylinder exhaust port as they over flew our location causing concern in the cockpit, hence the precautionary landing at our location. As the pilot of the RV-6 worked on his exhaust problem, I volunteered my time keeping his daughter busy, including giving his daughter an aerobatic ride in my RV-4. Again, long story short, a year later she was my wife and he was my father-in-law.

Five years ago, while at the Land of Enchantment fly-in, my-father-in law was talking to Mr. Vetterman and joked with him, "Your exhaust cost me a daughter!"

That chance meeting with my now wife was eight years ago and it's GREAT being married in an RV flying family and having a wonderful wife who enjoys flying (and aerobatics) and a father-in-law who is also your best flying buddy and formation wingman! Incidentally, I enventually bought his RV-6 when he aquired his new Showplanes RV-8FB. So, I not only got his daughter, but his plane too!

True story:)
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Back in 2001, I had flown my RV-4 to a small fly-in in North Texas. The fly-in was over and I was about to fly the 400 miles back home to New Mexico. Right as I was about to get in my RV-4, an RV-6 I had not seen before flew overhead emitting an unusual popping sound from the exhaust. The RV-6 landed and taxied up and parked right next to my RV-4. Sitting inside was a beautiful young lady with an older gentleman. Long story short, as the RV-6 had departed Dallas, TX and was enroute to a farm in kansas, the Vetterman exhaust on the engine had developed a crack by the cylinder exhaust port as they over flew our location causing concern in the cockpit, hence the precautionary landing at our location. As the pilot of the RV-6 worked on his exhaust problem, I volunteered my time keeping his daughter busy, including giving his daughter an aerobatic ride in my RV-4. Again, long story short, a year later she was my wife and he was my father-in-law.

Five years ago, while at the Land of Enchantment fly-in, my-father-in law was talking to Mr. Vetterman and joked with him, "Your exhaust cost me a daughter!"

That chance meeting with my now wife was eight years ago and it's GREAT being married in an RV flying family and having a wonderful wife who enjoys flying (and aerobatics) and a father-in-law who is also your best flying buddy and formation wingman! Incidentally, I enventually bought his RV-6 when he aquired his new Showplanes RV-8FB. So, I not only got his daughter, but his plane too!

True story:)

You stealth pilots are pretty sneaky. Stealing that poor distressed man's daughter. You need to fire that RV4 up and come have lunch with me and I'll give you some counseling. Seriously, come down and see me, I enjoyed seeing you at Oshkosh. Just about to SOLO, I think about what you told me everytime I'm on Final in my 6, keeps me on my toes. Have about 150 landings now. Some were better than others.