
Active Member
I started working on my -8 tail kit this weekend. On the VS section it talks about not drilling the lower holes on the lowest hinge brack because they will be drilled for a bolt later. Got it.

I am confused because it references DWG 27 and on the table of contents for the instructions, there is no 27. Can anyone explain? Is it a drawing in the preview plans and I should have bought those?

I had been working on a -10 but had to downsize because of our house project, but thos plans are all inclusive for the most part. I guess I need to adjust to these.


Joe Hutchison

DWG 27 "EMPENNAGE & TAIL WHEEL ATTACHMENTS" dated 1/31/97 was included in my preview plans. I did not get that full size drawing. However the information is revised, updated and included in two newer drawings: DWG 73 "TAIL WHEEL ATTACHMENT" dated 11/15/05 and DWG 78 "RV-8/8A "EMPENNAGE ATTACH" dated 12/14/05.
You need the preview plans

The Preview plans are 11X17 drawings of the entire plane project. They are included in the grey binder with the complete 15 section construction manual. With each kit, you get an updated section of the manual for that particular kit and full size (24X36) drawings for the kit. The preview plans allow you to look ahead and get an ovwerview of how things go together. Some builders choose to get the preview plans well ahead of buying the kit. But you need the plans before you start the building process.

Bruce Reynolds
Builder # with Emp kit

I ordered the preview plans several years ahead of the Emp kit, but as I recall, I had some weird number on the preview plans and did not get my actual builder # until I ordered the Emp. But IIRC using the order # on my preview plans, I got the cost of the plans as a rebate on the emp. I could be wrong, it's been a while.

Also, the preview plans include more than just a preview to the build, they also includes valuable information on building technique, engine and propeller selection, flight test procedure, etc etc. I think they are extrememly vaulable, and if you don't already have them, you should get them. Don't rely on the instructions and drawgins for anything other than an idea. Particularly in the -8, MANY things had changed, and in some cases that includes order of construction and parts.
You certainly want the preview plans. I keep the big plans in the shop, but keep the preview plans in the house to study and refer to when I want to plan ahead. It is far easier to flip though the preview set to find things at your desk, than to sort through the stack of full size plans that tend to get a bit dirty in the shop.