
I'm New Here
Starting to assemble used tools for a somewhat budget 10 build, came across this listing on eBay with very little time to go and pulled the idea if it was a good deal! Seems like the Sioux 3x is pretty well liked, and also got an air drill and a 90 degree grinder...did I make a mistake? Asking forgiveness from my wife rather than permission!

All three for about $190 after shipping and taxes, the Sioux looks like it regularly goes for about $100 plus shipping.


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They look well used, but I think you done good. If they were maintained well you should get lots of good use from all at a great discount.
They look well used, but I think you done good. If they were maintained well you should get lots of good use from all at a great discount.

Yeah that's my hope as well, they do look decently used but hopefully they work out. Appreciate your input!
Sioux =good
Cleco drill motor = good

90* angle grinder is from harbor freight. I have one of those somewhere and it at least in my case it has almost no torque. Fine for scotchbrite pads, but I tossed it into my el-cheapo tool bin and bought a better one when the time came to make the big cut with an abrasive disc.
Unfortunately the quality of your build has more to do with the ability of the tool holder and not so much the tool itself. There are many ways to do most of the jobs that need to be performed on these aircraft. You'll learn the limitations of your tools as you go along.

I started with a cheaper air drill and moved to a Sioux as things progressed. It wasn't that the original drill didn't perform well enough. It was that the trigger press was not to my liking and after drilling 500 holes I decided I wanted something better. Many people simply use a cordless drill and get the job done. You'll figure out your preferences and end up with lots of tools in the process.