
Active Member
Larry Larson’s (aka “wire jock”) documented process that was published in Kitplanes was key today. Followed his process exactly….it removed the initial nervousness I had and made the cut very simple.

Sure is a good feeling to enter that into the building log.
Larry Larson’s (aka “wire jock”) documented process that was published in Kitplanes was key today. Followed his process exactly….it removed the initial nervousness I had and made the cut very simple.

Sure is a good feeling to enter that into the building log.

Polish edges before doing anything else. Not mirror shine, just sand enough to remove any stress risers along the edge. A wet finger along the edge then a light and you'll see them. I wet sand the edge with 220 or so to remove them.
When it's final, then polish the edge and burnish the sharp edge off.
Per your documentation, completed cleaning up the edges right after the big cut (but not to mirror reflection yet).
Big cut is a big milestone! It really feels like you are on the home stretch after that is done!