
Well Known Member
Just got my JetFlex paint in and I see that the product data sheet calls for using deionized water if I need to reduce the paint. Where is deionized water readily available? Thanks!
I use distilled water (available at most supermarkets) with my water-reducible JetFlex just fine. I don't think you will see any benefit to using deionized water.

Is a bit of a myth anyway..It really only stays deionized for a very short period of time...For very high purity (18 meg ohm DI) its like maybe a few seconds/minutes before it degrades to 1 meg ohm and then slowly degrades from there to pure tap water.

I agree distilled is the way to go, DI is checically unstable anyway..we use it to degrease silicon in the wafer fabs..it will actually strip the grease out of your hands!!

Fourtunately its impossible to put this stuff in bottles..:)

From my years in the fuel cell industry, di-water does not store for long. If you use good containers, 316 SS and some plastics it will stay pretty good at 3 to 5 MegOhms for a couple of days, maybe.

The problem with high purity water is that it is incredibly corrosive. What it does to Aluminum is not pretty. Distilled water maybe di-ionized but not necessarily. Distilling kills organic contaminates but does not necessarily reduce ion to a high purity. Di-ionized water likewise may not be completely organic free. For fuel cells we used distilled water as a source for our di-ionizer to get greater than 6 MegOhm water, 18 MegOhm out of the di-ionizer and >6 MegOhm into the fuel cell.

Distilled water from a drug store should be good enough. Some of the pure drinking water may be good enough, just beware of the Mineral water drinking water it is most definitely not di-ionized.

Bob Parry
YES! DI water is VERY corrosive!

The problem with high purity water is that it is incredibly corrosive. What it does to Aluminum is not pretty.

When were forced to switch to organic solder flux at Texas Instruments, we were also forced to use DI water for clean-up. We had a stainless steel dishwasher plumbed with DI water. We found out very quickly that if we left printed circuit boards in the washer overnight, the traces were all but gone by the next morning.
We had to remove the boards and dry them immediately after the wash cycle.