Steve A

Well Known Member
Anybody fly into DI's Cajun Restaurant north of Jennings and south of Basile.
I went on Google Earth and with the coordinates the restaurant gave out over the phone, I see a east west strip. In this part of the world, there are a bunch
of things that look like grass strips. Just want to land in the right plane. I have landed on what I thought was a grass strip to find out otherwise. Embarrassing.

S S Anderson
RV 7A 270 hours
DI Strip

I googled it and it looks like it runs right next to the Hwy 97 (Northeast/Southwest) I emailed them to find out. I might take a trip over too.
DI Cajun Restaurant Grass Strip

I saw the NE-SE fairway from Google Earth, the problem is I also see what looks to be cars parked across the street from the restaurant in that same area.
The area to the south is where the coordinates fall that they gave me when I called the restaurant. They gave me 30.37, 92.58.

We are planning on going this evening, leave Lafayette around 6:00, get over there around 6:40, eat at 7:00 and head home at 8:15 or so. This last weekend the were cleaning fresh crabs and bbq'ing them. We were at the hangar and DM was cooking grilled red snapper with onions, green peppers and garlic on top.
I can't tell you how good this is.

S S Anderson
If only I had an x in my name????
OK, so we need a food report Steve - worth the trip?! Or is your airplane in the ditch?
Food Report: DI Cajun Restaurant, Basile La.

I know everyone thinks that Louisianians are obsessed with food, but I just tell people that we go to lunch to talk about what we are having for dinner.

DI's was delightful, we arrived a flight of two around 6:30 pm with a high sky, and landed without incident. The restaurant will give you the coordinates to
put into your EFIS (30,37, 92.58). The grass runway runs along the road and is smooth and more than long enough for RV's. I went on Google Earth to scout the area as there are a lot of grass strip looking fields. I had the fried shrimp and for 13 bucks you get probably 10 large shrimp: superb. One of their specialties are BBQ Crabs, big fat crabs soaked with spicy BBQ sauce. My friends had boiled shrimp and my wife had a seafood platter. In Lafayette we get great seafood but this was very special, the service was good and there was a cajun band playing with about 10 people dancing to the music.

They do not open for lunch so you have to get there after 5 pm. This is not too bad in the summer, if you are coming from Houston, you can eat and at 7:30 to 8:00 there is enough light to take off from the grass strip. They are planning a fly in, they took our email address' so we will be notified.

S S Anderson
RV-7A 271 hours
Cajun Food Flight

Looks like a dinner trip is in my future. My wife is excited...she grew up in Crowley just southeast of there. Flown into Jennings many times, but did not know about this place. Thanks for the info.