
Well Known Member
Flying DFW to OSH Join in!

For those who maybe interested, here is my route and eta at each fuel stop from the DFW area up to OSH. I'm posting this here so if other RV12s would like to hook up at one of my stops to continue on as a group feel free to do so. ETAs are subject to change according to weather and winds aloft. If I start running late I'll try to update here on the form work load permitting. Each fuel stop has 91 octane Mogas.
We are leaving out of the DFW area at 6am on Sunday July 27 and will arrive at our first fuel stop, KFYV, at approx 815amct. Will refuel on east side of runway at self serve fuel pump.

Next fuel stop will be at KLXT at approx 1015amct and will refuel at the FBO and break for lunch for 1 hour.

Third stop will be at KSFY on the east shore of the Mississippi river at approx 145pmct.

Fourth stop will be KHXF, Hartford Wisconsin, which is 50 NM south of OSH and has 93 octane unleaded. ETA approx 315pmct. Here you can top off one last time and have plenty of fuel for your first leg home and not have to buy fuel at OSH which by the way does not have anything other than 100LL.

Last stop, home of the largest aviation gathering in the USA OSH! ETA approx 430pmct Sunday afternoon.:D
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On Sunday, I hope to be departing F14 at around 6:30-7:00am with my first fuel stop at KHIG just a short ways east of KLXT. Next waypoint will be Portage, WI (C47) but probably will continue on to Ripon and the Fisk arrival unless I really need to stop for fuel or a quick rest stop. I'll be monitoring 122.75 and 123.45 along the way up. Hope to land at KOSH around 12:30pm give or take a few minutes, depending on wind and weather.
It's not the right direction for me, but I sure would like to know your source for getting the detailed fuel info. All that I can find, with Airnav, etc. is a listing of "M
ogas". The only way that I have been getting octane ratings is by calling the airport. So, if you have a better way, please pass it on.

Thanks, Tom
It's not the right direction for me, but I sure would like to know your source for getting the detailed fuel info. All that I can find, with Airnav, etc. is a listing of "M
ogas". The only way that I have been getting octane ratings is by calling the airport. So, if you have a better way, please pass it on.

Thanks, Tom

Try this......

BUT, call ahead to ensure the MOGAS is still available.
I went to the link that Marty posted. Then when ever I'm flying out of banker hours I call each airport to make sure there pumps are operable 24 hours a day. One airport required my detective hat and had to call 4 different people to make sure they had 91 octane and 24 hour service. My goal was to fly to OSH without using 100LL just for fun. ;) I've flown this route many times without any problems.
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Are you still using an extra tank?
Yes, but I don't use it going to OSH because we will be a flight of two and the other plane does not have one. If we were flying by our selfs then we would cut out two stops.:)
Yes, but I don't use it going to OSH because we will be a flight of two and the other plane does not have one. If we were flying by our selfs then we would cut out two stops.:)

John, do you have any details of the extra tank setup?
Hi John.

I was hoping to fly my 12 to OSH, but didnt quite make it so will travel via RV (with 4 wheels). I would like to join in next year.

I plan on seeing you for a couple of hours of transition training before I fly...
Deene's being nice

Hi John.

I was hoping to fly my 12 to OSH, but didnt quite make it so will travel via RV (with 4 wheels). I would like to join in next year.

I plan on seeing you for a couple of hours of transition training before I fly...

Deene is giving me a one-year grace period in which I can take the "Best GTU-based RV-12 in Oshkosh Award , 2014" :)
Finally made it!

Well we made it to OSH by 545pm Sunday evening. We tied down and headed out for food and then passed out in bed. We picked up a wicked headwind after Lee Summit MO which slowed us down considerable. Total flight time 8.5 hours.
Morning shot over random airport we were crossing over as sun came up.


Rain around OSH.

Note rain in background.
Great video! Did your headwind in route alter your fuel stops?

Thanks John

Because we were picking our fuel stops according to finding 91octane no leg was longer than 280 nm. So headwinds didn't cause enough of an increase in fuel burn to be a factor. :)
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Day two OSH!

Everybody has to go to meca at least once.

This guy gives out beer from his two taps built in to the spark plug holes of an old cylinder off a continental engine every night in Paul's Woods camp ground next to OSH fairgrounds. It's free all you have to do is sign his log. :eek:

This is a shot of a poster of the Blue RV12 Mitch Lock flys with the new Garmin G3X setup soon to be an option. It super cool! :cool: More later on this setup!

You can send this vender a picture of your completed RV and he will print it on the shirt of your choice. Gonna have one made.:)
Gotta go no matter what!

This guy is an inspiration for guys who want to fly their airplane to OSH no matter what. He flew his 1949 90 horse power champ form Florence, Oregon by him self.:eek: 1600 NM with one hand held radio, two sets of batteries, and a small handheld gps. Took 3 days. Man what a trooper. He is 68 years young.:p

Cool stuff around the show!

Couple of cool products you can pic up around the show. Buy one for $20 or two for $15 each. For guys who wear cheaters. How many times do you just set your safety glasses down to put your cheaters on to read the directions? Now you don't have to.;) 1.5 bifocal safety glasses!:eek:

Have grass allergies while mowing or protection while you weed eat! Out riding your scooter at the airport! Then you get a text on the cell no problems.:D Another cool set of bifocals.:rolleyes:
Garmin Stuff.

Here are a few things I learned from several Garmin seminars I went to today. With the G3X in the RV12 it will trim the elevator when the autopilot is engaged in altitude hold by its self. Soon with the proper black box installed your ipad with Garmin Pilot app installed will be able to blue tooth to the G3X. You will then be able to upload Flight Plans to it as well as see all the stuff on the G3X screen on you ipad so you wouldn't even need an extra screen just a mount on the co pilots side for your ipad. It's pretty cool guys.:D Another thing, there is really no need for a radio head on your panel cause you can just install the com box behind the panel and access it through your G3X touch screen.;) Also the intercom is included in the G3X. So in vision your panel with one G3X screen, an autopilot panel, and Vans Switches in the future. Add a GDL88 for ADS-B or a GDL69 for XM Weather.
All this being said at this time when 2020 arrives you will still need to install a TSO gps to satisfy the FAA for ADS-B out. But as I look into my crystal ball I predict a new cheaper Garmin black box gps that will be TSO to add to your system.;) Guys we are in a new renaissance in aviation avionics that is only going to get better and easier to operate. It's very exciting here at the show to see all the new systems and how they are developing. Soon you will be able to load your weather and flight plans onto your iPads or iPhones in your easy chair then head to the airport and blue tooth then upload to you avionics. So you D180 guys don't change any thing yet or dont do any upgrades. Save your money cause in 5 more years and for a similar price that Vans offers now you will be able to yank out the obsolete avionics and have the latest and greatest super cool panels. I can say from what I've seen there will be at least several more upgrades to the 2014 set ups before then. (2020)

Disclaimer! This post is not to say the Dynon systems will have any less capability as time goes by it is just my observations of what Garmin is showing at the show. :rolleyes:
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Time to head home!

Just took off at 9am head home. Should hit out first fuel stop at 1025 am.;)
Time to head home!

Just took off at 9am head home. Should hit out first fuel stop at 1025 am.;)
One more leg to go!

Landed at FYV at 415pm. Fuel, restroom, on we go. Eta 16X 645 pm.:p
Thought and ramblings! ,

Here is some more stuff from OSH 2014. The weather was great for the time we were there except for the occasional rain shower which never lasted more than 20 mins. Temps were perfect for my taste. We were always out the door early and returned late in the evening to simply pass out as soon as you hit the bed. So much to see and so little time!:p As I said earlier the world of avionics is moving very fast. Biggest thing for me is the upcoming connectivity with ones ipad or iPhone and probably android based hardware with future panel based hardware. There was probably close to a record amount of experimental and GA aircraft in attendance, maybe because of the better economy in the USA right now. I would estimate no more than 12 RV12s in attendance as per previous years.
I attended Vans, "What New" form and learned a few things some of which have already been posted here on this form. I got the feel that their plate is really full right now with the RV12 factory built planes and finishing the sub kits for the RV14. They are very busy bees.;) Here are a few RV12 highlights from the form.
Great Video of ripping the main spar out in a simulated crash and what happens to the fuel tank.
New Seal kit for canopy, discussed here.
Dual screen efis, by moving VR to behind firewall to bottom of shelf and possible adding a cooling fan to it.
Dual panel Garmin install coming.
Split back cover standard now so no removal of fuel tank on annual, sound familiar.
Quick build option from synergy air.
Canopy latch in stalled at the recommendation of NTSB.
New Skyview cong file setups to not effect autopilot file as well as adsb file.
New Fuel pump 7.2 psi max pressure.
Kavlico sensor seals completely which causes it the send error on takeoff, if you have a blue plug that plugs into sensor then that is the bad one and can cause this problem.
T/O technique explored more throughly showing that lifting nose shortens t/o distance with better rudder control for crosswinds than waiting to rotate nose at 50-55kt speed.
New throttle from McFarlane.
New ahars stiffener to prevent vibration.
New sensich prop hub for more precise adjustment!
New trim tab.
912is when? Unknow at this time, but didn't say no:confused:
That is a bunch of good stuff, thanks for sharing all that. One I did not completely understand is this one:
"Kavlico sensor seals completely which causes it the send error on takeoff, if you have a blue plug that plugs into sensor then that is the bad one and can cause this problem."
No Removal of Fuel Tank

From post:

"Split back cover standard now so no removal of fuel tank on annual, sound familiar."

Any mention/chance of a retrofit kit??

Jim D
That is a bunch of good stuff, thanks for sharing all that. One I did not completely understand is this one:
"Kavlico sensor seals completely which causes it the send error on takeoff, if you have a blue plug that plugs into sensor then that is the bad one and can cause this problem."

Sounded like the back of the kavlico sensor should be vented to the outside air. However the electrical purple plugs, that were shipped with earlier kits blocked the transducer from being vented! Although that sounds confusing thats the gist of it.:rolleyes:
From post:

"Split back cover standard now so no removal of fuel tank on annual, sound familiar."

Any mention/chance of a retrofit kit??

Jim D
They didn't say anything about a retrofit kit. However once they start shipping these new parts I'm sure that we will be able to view the updated plans on Vans web site and order the required parts.;)
Boy the 912iS would get my attention!

All those things sound great! A few more things to hold off on...:D

The 912is requires much reengineering.
Cowl size different.
Air inlet for throttle body in way of current oil tank location.
Larger oil cooler radiator
Return fuel back to tank 122 liters per hour. Think Viking.;)
Different electrical system setup.
Plus about 4 gs increase in cost.:eek:
13 lbs heavier

Less fuel burn
More torque equals more speed, rumor only
No more sensor problems
No carbs
Computer interface for trouble shooting
One less air filter

I would estimate about 3 to 4 years away.:p
Last few items!

Flying to OSH in the RV12 can make for a long day. The distance from DFW to OSH is approx 760nm. When traveling as a group it takes a little longer than when flying as a single ship. The total duty day ran about 10 hours from takeoff to landing and about 8 hours of flying time. For fun we picked airports to stop at for refueling that had 91octane mogas. This increased our flying time somewhat. If we would have just went direct line that would have saved us some flying time. If there are two guys in the plane plan on FedEx your bags ahead to reduce weight, just carry a small overnight bag in the plane. As a single ship we would have just used our aux tank and only made two stops, but hey that would have been so boring.;) if you were traveling over 900nm you might considers planing in an over night stay at the half way point. Here are a few more pics of the event.
The seven day wonder, they built a Zenith to taxi in seven days during OSH, pretty cool.

This is a Breezy, check out his control stick.

Lots of cool war birds.

Wednesday and Saturday night are the night air shows. They are a must see, especially the WALL OF FIRE,:eek:

That's it for this year. Keep building and flying. Word of advice don't buy you engine or avionics till you absolutely need them cause things are in constant flux in those areas.:p
Final note from the other plane folks

Haruko and I thoroughly enjoyed the two-ship flying on this trip. On the way to Osh, she was a bit fatigued, and Jetguy flew with her for the second half of the trip. This came in handy because adding the firmware update for the canopy unlatched detector did scrog our autopilot settings, and John tweaked them along the way. (It also apparently clobbered our ADSB-IN--I have go back and figure out how to re-enable that).

The return trip was thoroughly enjoyable--Haruko had enough energy to fly all the legs back, and particularly enjoyed the diversion--buzzing the Mississippi. In both directions, we had an overnight stay at the JetGuy residence, so that we just had a short hop from Fort Worth area to Austin to complete the trip. the 8-ish hour flying day is fine--we had a 10 1/2 hour flight time trip from Austin to Utah last fall--made for a very long day.

Haruko is stoked up for repeating it again next year, but will still probably require some assist on the final leg into Osh--a harrowing experience for the uninitiated.