
Well Known Member
DFW Rver's Sunday 1-21-2007, 11:30 on ramp, KSEP

I'm tired of not flying because of rain/snow/ice etc. The forecast for Sunday last time I saw was partly sunny and 47 degrees. Anyone interested in going somewhere for lunch? Stephenville? Graham? Somewhere else?
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hecilopter said:
I'm tired of not flying because of rain/snow/ice etc. The forecast for Sunday last time I saw was partly sunny and 47 degrees. Anyone interested in going somewhere for lunch? Stephenville? Graham? Somewhere else?
I'm game. I was figuring Sunday would be good too. Did some patterns this morning just to get back into the airplane.

I will have my father along, who is visiting from Montana to come thaw out. He would love a ride in a RV - he hasn't gotten a taste of the RV grin yet ... ;)
Looks like Stephenville

is becoming the winner. For Craig's sake Graham is out. As for the other Doug, an RV ride shouldn't be too hard to come by :)

Anyone else? Stephenville at 11:30 on the ramp? Or somewhere else is still open, just not Graham.
Well I can try. But after the kind of weather we've been having, my runway may not dry out for weeks. After a normal rain, it will dry out with a day of sunshine and wind. But with the ground saturation and freezing, I'll probably be driving for a while.
hecilopter said:
Anyone else? Stephenville at 11:30 on the ramp? Or somewhere else is still open, just not Graham.
Stephenville works for me. Blue Pig BBQ at ADM is about the same distance, but SEP has better BBQ, IMHO.
I'll keep it on the calendar. WX is look wet (what a change <g>).

Boy this weather is getting old!

Sunday at SEP

Sounds good to me, gotta go somewhere if the sun is shining!
By the way, the Blue Pig isn't open on Sunday, unless they changed their hours.
I'll tell Andy, Rich, Pat, & Jay.

See ya! :)
DeltaRomeo said:
Boy this weather is getting old!
No kidding! Current TAF:

KDAL 201548Z 201612 06008KT P6SM SCT012 OVC030
FM2000 10007KT 2SM RA BR OVC005
FM0300 15007KT 5SM -RA BR OVC012
FM0500 17008KT 4SM BR BKN006
TEMPO 0610 1SM BR BKN004

Quack quack!
Hey! Progress! See you at 11:30 at SEP.

KDAL 210136Z 210224 14005KT 6SM -RA BR SCT005 OVC020
TEMPO 0203 2SM -RA BR BKN005
FM0300 17006KT 3SM BR BKN005 OVC012
FM0900 21007KT P6SM SCT006 BKN015
FM1200 25007KT P6SM SCT250
FM2100 31007KT P6SM SCT150 BKN250
Wow! What a turnout. Nice being able to put faces with so many names. Did anybody get a final count of RV's or snap any pics?
Great turnout!

CraigH@KRPH said:
Wow! What a turnout. Nice being able to put faces with so many names. Did anybody get a final count of RV's or snap any pics?
I counted (17) RVs. Walt and his wife showed up later so that makes (18). Looking at the pics now. Will post laterish when I get done.

It felt GOOOOOOD to get back in the air!

It was so nice.....

.....I just got back to Houston!!

Couldn't stand to fly right back from KSEP, so I mozied on down to New Braunfels to visit with the parents. Climbing out of KSEP, I headed for 6500, but got knocked on the nose with headwinds, and ended up back down at 3500 for the short trip - bumpy over the hill country, but mostly crosswinds.

Leaving New Braunfels about 1600, I hooked back up with a nice 25 knot tailwind at 7500 feet and got back in to Houston in short order. Had to duck under a thin deck at about 4500' coming in the west side, but the air was smooth - a day well worth the aviating.

4.0 hours on the clock, great BBQ, a chance to meet a bunch of RV'ers I'd never seen before.....oh, and John Bixby's new RV-8, just released from it's 40 hour restrictions!

Doesn't get much better for a Sunday jaunt...18 airplanes - I think EVERYBODY was ready to fly again!!! :D

Yup, what a day!

Man, that was fun... my first RV group BBQ feed. I think I'm hooked. It was nice to finally meet the N Texas RV guys as well!

After SEP we did a quick trip up to FTW to check out the B-17 museum, then back home to Hooks... and it was such a nice evening, after we got home and fueled up, I went back up for another hour just before sunset. Sweet! 4.7 more hours on the clock, yeaaa. And have I mentioned before how nice and comfortable these Classic Aero seats are? Love 'em.
Some photos

Great trip - here the few photos I snapped. Unfortunately, my photos of the 5-ship formation departing SEP looked ... awful. Must be the new camera and not the photographer's lack of still ;)

One golf cart was INOP, so we hoofed it:

Sorry, I don't remember who the RV builder and mentor are, but they look happy...


Class B transition and a good look at the skyline on the way back to ADS. My father is right-seating since he gets the airplane during the week:

Fun Sunday!

I picked up Carol at WEA Parker Co airport. And droped her off there too. I logged 4 landings Sunday and almost relearned landing. I hope our WX will let us fly every weekend. No more wind, rain, bad WX on Sundays.
