Thanks for heads up.
I did down load foreflight and they are correct.

Hope I am not opening a can of worms, but why the change? Was it for surrounding airports or for DFW? Not sure why DFW would need lower floor.
I would say Love field.
31 L-R approach.
Should not be big problem @ 1000 AGL

Hope I am not opening a can of worms, but why the change? Was it for surrounding airports or for DFW? Not sure why DFW would need lower floor.
The change was because the FAA wanted it. There was a lot of input from local pilots on negative impact on safety at ADS in the move down to 2500, which seems to have been ignored by the FAA. All of the sessions held by the FAA had the tone of "we have decided that we're doing this and are just holding this meeting because we have to, not because we're going to listen to you". All of us who attended were very discouraged, mostly because the FAA could never give us a good reason why they needed to make the change.

This means your only altitude that ATC can assign you in or out of ADS is 2000. So ADS is basically a 1-way corridor now - no ability to separate arrivals and departures by altitude.

I understand wanting more airspace for the DAL Class B, but ADS really didn't have any to give. Its really a shame, because GA works well at ADS - Its a place where LSAs, 172s, Cirri and RVs have safely coexisted with King Airs and G4s for many years. Squeezing ADS will make this harder.

Sorry to hear about that.
I would hope there is a good reason. I assume it takes a lot of effort to change things like this. Maybe they did not communicate the need well enough.

I am puzzled myself, and that is why I asked the question.
I don't see the reason for commercial jets to be at 6k 30nm out.
From my understanding:
- jets are more efficient at higher altitudes.
- lower causes more noise complaints
- lower is less safe (engine out or obstacles)

Is this a passenger comfort thing?
Is my assumption this is a commercial thing correct?

There has to be a good reason, I just can't see it. Hope someone can educate me.

Typically I don't like flying at 1500' over populated areas.
First, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Greg, I have made other posts here, but in less public areas. I am an air traffic controller-in-training at ZNY, and a future RV builder/buyer (haven't made a final decision yet).

Anyway, the closest to DFW I have ever been in a small plane was 3T0, and that was before I became a pilot. Judging from what you have all said, and without knowing any of the specifics, if I were to take a guess I would say the airspace was changed in order to keep VFR traffic farther away vertically from landing and departing IFR traffic out of DFW/DAL. VFR traffic could easily cause nuissance TCAS RAs which could have a domino effect, and cause serious issues with the approach controller.

FWIW that is really the only reason I could think of for lowering the floor of a shelf.
Where is BTW? I am not familiar with that airport.

Just the other side of BFE! And I've (I have) actually been there! LOL! (And I know what RA is, knew the general vicinity of the other two.)

Seriously, I appreciate the info. And if a post is worth writing, don't make us go look up things you know but half the audience doesn't.
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Where's ZNY and 3T0? What's an RA?
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