Rick RV-4

Well Known Member
My wife and I are considering moving to the DTW area in a few years, and we would consider buying a lot now if the price and locations are right. Does anyone have any good info on airparks in this area?

I know a little bit about Brighton and Horizon Lakes (but would be interested in knowing more about either place). Any others I haven't found? We would consider anything within about a 2 hour drive to DTW.

Thanks in advance . . . .

RV-4 N999XS

Hi Rick

Sent you a PM but you need to clear out some messages before you can read it because you have "exceeded your storage limit."

All the best

Dave Pohl
Thanks Dave!


You are correct, the "box" was full - please resend when you get a chance . . .


Thanks Jon!

Thanks Jon,

I looked Williams Aero Estates up on line. Could not find much info . . . do you know if they have a website? I found it on Google Earth and it looks nice from the air. I did find a few lots for sale so I'll give them a call.

Thanks again,

Hi Rick,
I don't know if they have a website. I drive by it on my way to my inlaws in Mason. Always thought if I ever moved "Home" I'd check it out further.
