Whether to sell my used prop as is, or overhaul it first.

  • Sell the prop straight away, as is, at lower price, no overhaul.

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Overhaul the prop first, then sell at a higher price, possibly with an overhauler's warranty.

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
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Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
In April I'm replacing my used Hartzell plain-paddle 72" constant speed prop, replacing it with a new Hartzell blended airfoil. The old prop is in fantastic shape, but will be approaching the recommended overhaul interval. It's painted black with yellow tips (Mustang-esque), with natural painting chipping on the leading edge.
I'll want to sell my prop, but I have a decision to make:
- Shall I offer it at a lower price, right off the airplane, as is, no warranty? The new owner will deal with an overhaul.
- Or, am I smarter to take it straight to the prop shop for overhaul, then sell it at a higher price with a FRESH overhaul (and possible overhauler's warranty)? "Smarter" means more buyers, but not necessarily making any more or less money on it.

I guess I'm asking: Which prop will get more likely buyers?

I imagine this applies most to builders early in their prop/engine decision and buying cycle, or those wishing to upgrade from fixed-pitch to constant speed. What do y'all say?
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I am going to face this exact scenario later this year. My plan was to sell it as removed with the caveat that I would take it back (refund the buyer) if it proved to be BER (beyond economical repair, or in this case, overhaul).
This could be done simply by advertising your prop, priced in the following ways:
  1. As -Is = $X ----- Let the buyer decide if it's good enough and educate them on expected overhaul price of $Y -
  2. $Z - Newly overhauled by Seller w/ warranty, paint color selected by the buyer, Priced at $X+$Y+seller's value of time

Not trying to make it complicated but if it were me, I would give buyers that choice. I bet you sell it in a couple of days.
Well, not much opinion out there

I have decided to overhaul the prop before I sell it.
Reason: Liability. I don't want to put a wrung-out prop with any possible problem out there. Better to have it refurbished, and with the prop shop's warranty on it.
You won't get your money out of it. It will end up costing almost as much as a BRAND NEW BA Hartzell Prop... who would buy it when you can get a new BA Prop for about the same price... I would have said certified plane owners might buy it, but the BA prop is now certified on their Mooney or Piper Arrow.

You could sell it to a prop shop as a core.

If you are worried about liability, I will haul it away for no charge to you, and give you a letter from my lawyer that this prop is un-airworthy, for parts only and requires overhaul and shall hold you harmless.... blah blah... When can I pick it up.... :D
Actually I will. I got it 2 years ago on a great deal. Will sell it for my total cost. Somebody?s gonna get lucky this summer.
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