Well Known Member
I've searched the archives, and with one notable exception regarding the report of a builder who shall remain unnamed who launched a dessicant plug into the far reaches of his shop, I've found no mention of how to recharge dessicant plugs.

My engine is prepped for long-term storage, and the normally purple plugs have turned pink, indicating moisture.

Anyone know how to make 'em purple again?


Pour them out of the "plugs" into separate piles on a dish towl that is in turn placed on a baking pan and bake them in the oven at 250 degrees untill they turn blue again.

Best to do when your wife is not around!

oven NO!

Hello Don, I sell desiccant to the high-tech and shipping industry. You can get a little extened life by heating in oven, but not recommened. Email me and I will help you get more. Some questions first: How much longer are you storing it? Is it in any humidity controled enviroment (Barrier bag? or air tight drum?).

my email is [email protected]
just use a halogen lamp

Just use a halogen lamp. Works like a charm! Check it out...




)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D (585 hours)
Interesting Aside

I had my new TMX-360 assembled at Mattituck in February of this year. The Mattituck instructions basically say that the preservation lasts six months, and then you should do a few things to represerve it for another six months if you haven't run it yet. Since I am probably going to be another couple months, I called Mahlon at Mattituck, and he told me not to worry about it.

When the engine was shipped here after assembly, I noted that it didn't have dessicant plugs installed, and called Mahlon to inquire. His response was that since I went with the Titan CermiNil cyllinders, which can't rust, there was no need to keep the cylinders dessicated....made sense to me. But I still almost bought a set of the plugs cause I think they look cool when people see the engine in the shop... :D

Paul Dye
(Physically back from Russia, Body still in wrong time zone....)