
Well Known Member
Bell Jet Ranger crashed on taxiway Bravo about 1630. No fatalities, 1-2 serious. No word on the cause just yet. I was listening to the tower feed when it happened.

I had been planning on going out for some airwork this evening. Gust front came roaring through, 25G35, shortly before I got there at 1800, and didn't let up. I gave up and left about 1830. Right after that, TSRA, continuing through tomorrow afternoon at least.

My instructor says he knows someone who keeps a -9 hangared there. Hasn't been able to get hold of the owner to tell him about me.

Yeah, lovely day...
Don't know if this is still the case, but when I was flying them, they had the record of being the safest single engine aircraft made.....hope the pilot and pax's will be ok.