
Well Known Member
Hey, tomorrow late morning I am meeting up with my former CFII while our wives participate in a baby shower. Because I am poised to start my -9A this summer, and he's got previous experience with a Lancair and keeps egging me down this E-AB road, I was hoping someone in the Denver area with an ongoing or completed build would be interested in giving us a hangar or garage/factory tour of their in-progress or completed RV. I don't want to distract anyone but I would love to spend an hour checking out a work-in-progress or chat about your finished bird.
Respond or PM me if you have time and the interest in pushing me further into the RV obsession! :)

Our hangar is full of RV's and near many others at KFTG. I'll be there at 0700 and then off to breakfast and should be back around 10:00

Come on by. 2 6a's and one 9A in the hangar, all flying.

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Denver builders...

Thanks for the offer! Sounds like a great sampling of RVs out at FTG. I am coordinating with another RV8tor out at BJC due to the proximity effect so, if that goes well, we probably won't have time to make it to FTG as well, but it's not out of the question yet. If not tomorrow, maybe anothert time real soon.
What a great community!
Thanks again!
I definitely welcome you to stop by my garage/shop & check out my tail feathers too! Not too exciting but it would give you an idea. PM me
See My RV-7A


I'll be out at Front Range Airport on Saturday late morning. You're welcome to come to my hangar (T-32) and see my newly built RV-7A.

Jack Buschmann
303-321-7859 (H)
303-842-7381 (C)
Oh Darn!

Well it's good to hear that the 9A hasn't turned into a pile of white powder...:eek: I'll be home for Christmas.


Yup no powder but I sold all the tires and wheels to a guy just the other day. I was kind though and it's sitting on cinder blocks.:D

For Xmas we're going to Pagosa Springs on the 24th returning on the 26th or 27th. Your welcome to tag along.

I'll be out at Front Range Airport on Saturday late morning. You're welcome to come to my hangar (T-32) and see my newly built RV-7A.

Jack Buschman

Jack, have you made that first test flight yet? Heard you were getting your avionics all programmed up, but not much else. Keep me posted!
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