Well Known Member
Alright...... all was going great in the garage when I flipped the RV-10 VS over and began riveting the second half of the skin with my off hand running the gun. I had some bad form and managed to put about (6) small but noticeable dents in the VS skin at different rivets from not holding the gun perfectly flat when driving the rivets. I am sure they are not a structural problem but they are most certainly at eye level in a prominent place once the airplane is finished. Are there any good fillers out there for a problem like this or is it best just to replace the skin and hope for better results the next time around with the rivet gun? I have lots of experience with Bondo and know it is NOT the right stuff for this job so experience others have with aircraft specific products would be appreciated. Thanks, Tim
I think if you are going to replace a skin for any smiley that may happened, you will end up building two or three airplanes before flying.
Depending on the size of the dent, it is not uncommon to use a filter to fix those. Your painter will probably take care of them or you can do it yourself, not much to it.

Here is one filler that works very well but there are others as well.


Fill or leave for the painter to fill.
Try a swivel flush set. Much easier to keep flush.
Thanks for the replies. I did order a rubber ring flush set to help with walking on future skins although I am not sure it would help with the wrong angle problem I had on this one. The swivel head set looks intriguing too. I was looking at Superfill and Everglass fillers on Wicks today but will wait until the airplane is ready for paint (by me or others) to make the decision on a new skin or if the putty comes out. There is a lot of building between then and now and time may change my opinion?

There is also a great method to minimize dings that we have used many times. You just put thick packing tape over the ding, back it with a bucking bar, and then use an ordinary table spoon with your thumb to iron it out. It doesn't make it perfect, but in just about every case has made it more tolerable and is fast and easy. The tape lets the spoon move on and off the ding without damaging the skin.
Swivel set

The swivel set with rubber ring will forgive a little off perfectly perpendicular. Especially useful if a rookie is driving! Also helps using the non dominate hand.