Bill Britton

Well Known Member
While riveting the nose ribs in the HS skins tonight we had an accident with the bucking bar and made a nice dent in the leading edge of the HS skin. I'll try to attach a picture on here and on the matronics list. Any suggestions or remedies to fix it or is it something I should leave up to the paint shop (if I ever get that far)???

Bill Britton
Riveting HS

Well, I cannot get the picture to upload. It says something about the file size. Probably too big. Anyway, I'll try to post it to the matronics list. If not, if anybody would like to see the dent I can send them a picture in their e-mail.

Bill Britton

Don't feel bad. I did the same thing on my -9 HS. I felt terrible, but the darn bucking bar just wouldn't fit down in there! The second side came out perfect.?

If it makes you feel any better (I was worried sick about mine too), I was recently at the RV Fly-In at Midway Airport in Texas.

I walked over to look at the first -9 model I saw (it was a -9A) and low and behold, it has a spot of Bondo on the EXACT same area I had problems in! Same rib, same rivet(s). It sure made me feel better to see I wasn't the only one who had problems with that one nose rib!

Don't sweat it....paint works wonders!