

When I have the HS clecoed it is a clerly dent right over the HS707 noserib. It looks like the rib is too small!?
Have anyone got into this? Any ideas for a solution?
Can I just put som piece of aluminium between the flange and skin and use a longer rivet?
<<Can I just put som piece of aluminium between the flange and skin and use a longer rivet?>>

You will bump into this sort of thing at various places in the airframe. First determine if the problem can be solved by re-fitting or re-shaping the parts; it is often easier and nets better results. If not, use one or more shims as required.
Skyhawk said:
....When I have the HS clecoed it is a clerly dent right over the HS707 noserib. It looks like the rib is too small!?
Have anyone got into this? Any ideas for a solution?......
You can shim out the gap with aluminum but the process can be tedious and labor intensive. Here is a time savings solution that is very easy to do and virtually guarantees success in removing the gap with minimal effort.
Ok, thanks. I think i?m too fear to come up with my own solutions. Maybe because I have no experience, yet. But I think my self-confidence getting better all the time. This is awsome! Comunity and all. Amazing!