Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
Observed in the March Sport Aviation "gone west" Dennis Polen. He created quite an airplane.

Bob Axsom
Polen Special!

The Polen Special is a real hotrod!

Last edited:
Sept 1973 Sport Aviation.

His '73 Sept SA article was the cause of many dreams (on my part anyway). I still have the issue with his unpainted silver bird on the cover. May he rest in peace.
I got to meet Denis back in the late 70's while filming a story on the Portland Air National Guard. Dennis worked as a mechanic for them. He showed me a big stack of photos he had taken while building the Special. He even had several of him flying formation with the Air Guard's T-33's at 25,000 ft.!!! It originally had a TSIO-360.

I knew he had been in poor health lately. Sad to hear about his passing. He was a true inovator and a master builder.
Thank You for the Reference

His '73 Sept SA article was the cause of many dreams (on my part anyway). I still have the issue with his unpainted silver bird on the cover. May he rest in peace.

I have the Sport Aviation Complete Archives on CD-ROM and I found the article written be Dennis Polen himself. It is special - one of the few articles that leaves such an impression that it seems personal. It will not blend in with the millions of aviation words telling stories of transient interest. Thank you very much for the reference.

Bob Axsom
Polen Special

The Polen Special lives at Pecan Plantation airport just south of Fort Worth TX.(0TX1) Dick Keyt bought it in 1998 and usually has it on the flight line during their spring and fall flyins. EAA Chapter 983 web site(
click on newsletter archives (March 2008)and scroll down to see a short article on the Polen Special.