
Well Known Member
Hey guys I wanted to give a quick write-up of my trip to see the Rv12 and Rv14 at Vic's (the new Vans east coast rep)

I was lucky enough to catch up with Vic (southern Atlanta area) coming back to Charlotte from a 4th of July vacation with the old folks in FL. I wanted to check out a real Rv12 before I pulled the trigger on a kit. Vic has a beautiful home and hanger and there were RVs all over the place! He has a factory build Rv12 that is really nice, great paint and it's in beautiful shape (I hope I can make one half as nice).

I had hoped for a quick walk around the 12 and maybe get to sit in it to check out the ergonomics. Vic and I both sat in the cockpit and there was plenty of room for two normal size guys, I'm 5'8" and Vic is maybe 6'2". It was very comfortable and has a great pilot position and the controls for me were just about perfect.

After, I asked Vic if I could see the 14 also, but alas it was over at the local airport. So he suggested we fly the 12 over there and fly the 14 back! That put a big grin on my face to say the least.

Vic did the takeoff and let me fly for maybe 20 minutes on the way to the other airport. Starting the Rotax is almost car like easy, no carb heat, no mixture and it's SO quiet! The visibility of the 12 can't be believed until you've actually flown one. And the controls are insanely light, just one fingertip is all you need. It seems unfair that it's so nice LOL. Man it was great!

Flying the 14 was very different, the controls are much heavier (but still way lighter than the 172s I fly) and the visibility is no where near as good as the 12. But man is it fast! It feels much like a super 172 (maybe a 192 lol), heavy with all the assorted mixture and prop controls. Climb out was ridiculous, you blink and you are at 1,000 ft. The specs say the cabin is about 6 inches wider than the 12 but in flight you don't really notice that big of a difference.

Overall if I were to equate them to cars, the 12 is like a Mazda Miata (quick light and small) and the 14 is more like a Mustang GT (heavy, roomy and fast).

Vic really made my day and Vans is **** glad lucky to have him :) I had a smile plastered on my face most of the ride back to Charlotte (until I hit the Atlanta traffic lol)

Now all I need to do is order my kit and get some tools!
Our congrats-

to Vic as the new East Coast Vans representative.
Gee Vic---can you get any busier????

I must have looked like I was sitting around doing nothing!
Seriously, I enjoyed meeting Jeff. Sure hope he does start building as the smile on his face was priceless.
