
Well Known Member
I am hoping to get a demo ride in the RV-12 this year at Oshkosh. Any idea if those are going to be available at Vans?
They were last year. It was first come first served, Qualifications included being at least a student pilot, and never had an RV demo before. Had to be there at the tent in the AM before they open and hope for a demo slot later that day.
A few years back when I got my demo ride I was there Monday morning when the gates opened and sprinted to the Van's tent. Amazingly, quite a few people were already there but I did get my name on the list ... unfortunately, had to wait until Thursday morning which was the earliest Van's was planning on giving rides in the RV-12 ... but it was worth it.

If you want to insure you can get a ride in the 12 suggest you be at the Van's tent first thing Monday morning .... the slots fill up very fast.
Demo Ride!

Getting a demo ride at OSH may not be the best place to get this done. It's a very busy and intense time with customers 10 deep asking tons of questions. Might I suggest requesting a ride in a locally privately owned RV12 in your area by just posting it here on the 12 forum. There are a few 12 s in your area that might be able to grant your request. That would be a more relaxing environment where you could ask as many questions as you desire. Also check the OSH forum list to see if there is a presentation on the building process. If you a going to build consider taking the sheet metal forum also. Good Luck?:D
Getting a demo ride at OSH may not be the best place to get this done. It's a very busy and intense time with customers 10 deep asking tons of questions. Might I suggest requesting a ride in a locally privately owned RV12 in your area by just posting it here on the 12 forum.

Or both :D.. I was lucky enough to go up in their -7 at Osh last year. The demo was short (a few turns and a stall out over the lake), but the flight was the highlight of the week for me... (I think it was the scenery...)
Thanks for the information. As many know (and my signature) I am building a 14 and have built at least half of an RV-9 tail kit in the past so the building part I am quite familar with at this point.

I am only dipping my toes in the RV-12 waters and you are correct local is better and I will do that. I was trying to either start the fire or extinguish it this year at OSH as my mission may be changing.

Demo rides have been known to cost many many thousands of dollars. It varies, but I have known pilots that spent well over $100,000 as a result of one innocent demo ride. I only bring this up because I was a victim.

Demo rides have been known to cost many many thousands of dollars. It varies, but I have known pilots that spent well over $100,000 as a result of one innocent demo ride. I only bring this up because I was a victim.


I am not changing my path (yet) but I will have to agree considering I can't make up my mind on which one I am going to eventually finish building :eek: