
I'm New Here
I'm looking at building an airplane withen the next year or so. I've really been looking at the Midget Mustang, but I've also considered an RV-3 or prehaps -4. Is there anyone withen a couple hundred miles or so of Albuquerque, NM that's willing to give me a demo flight in a -4 (or any other RV would be helpful, I suppose). Of course I'd be more than willing to pick up the fuel bill. Any other information would be greatly appreciated!

Rv4 demo ride

I live in Farmington and frequently fly to AEG and ABQ. If you are less than 200 lbs I would gladly give you a demo ride. Let me know when would be a good time to get together.
Larry HAwkins
I can't offer a ride yet, but I'm finishing up an RV4 in the Albuquerque area. If you have questions, I may be able to help.

Cameron Smith
greenn17h said:
I'm looking at building an airplane withen the next year or so. I've really been looking at the Midget Mustang, but I've also considered an RV-3 or prehaps -4. Is there anyone withen a couple hundred miles or so of Albuquerque, NM that's willing to give me a demo flight in a -4 (or any other RV would be helpful, I suppose). Of course I'd be more than willing to pick up the fuel bill. Any other information would be greatly appreciated!

Getting a ride in an RV is great, but you really need to fly a Midget Mustang or at least a Mustang II before making the decision. While the Midget Mustang is a great airplane, it doesn't have the low speed landing characteristics of the RVs.
Also, don't rely too much on the RV-4 to simulate the RV-3. The -3 flies noticeably better than the -4.
Rv-4 versus Midget Mustang

Dear Wesley, I have a comment to make concerning the Midget Mustang. A pilot at my home field (AWO) was flying his Midget Mustang when the fuel tank in use went dry. The prop came to a stop. He lowered the nose as he switched fuel tanks, then tried to coax the prop into a windmilling mode. He was unable to make the prop start spinning. Fortunately for him, he was able to restart the engine using the starter. He said the problem was the small size of the prop. He sold the airplane shortly after this happened. I have been flying my RV-4 for almost seven years now and have used a fuel tank to exhaustion twice. The prop just keeps on spinning until I switch to another fuel tank. Of course, as you can imagine, I am doing this fairly quickly. Just add this info to your list of decision making info. My suggestion is go with the RV-4. You won't be disappointed. Regards, Paul Best
Actually a windmilling prop has more to do with weight of the prop than the aircraft. A metal prop will continue to windmill because of the flywheel action. A wood prop has less inertia and will not windmill as much. This action has nothing to do with what type airplane it is on.
Thanks for all the advice. In what way does the -3 fly differntly than the -4? I figured it would be a little different, but I also figure it's as close as i'm going to get. I don't imagine there are too many people out there willing to let a compllete stranger hop in their single-seat airplane and take it for a joy ride. Does anyone know if the Mustang II flies at all like the midget mustang? Seems to me like it woulden't, but maybe I should try to get a ride in one of those, as well. As for low speed handeling, that is a consideration but I'm not too worried, I've got a bunch of time in a Pitts.
greenn17h said:
Thanks for all the advice. In what way does the -3 fly differntly than the -4? I figured it would be a little different, but I also figure it's as close as i'm going to get. I don't imagine there are too many people out there willing to let a compllete stranger hop in their single-seat airplane and take it for a joy ride. Does anyone know if the Mustang II flies at all like the midget mustang? Seems to me like it woulden't, but maybe I should try to get a ride in one of those, as well. As for low speed handeling, that is a consideration but I'm not too worried, I've got a bunch of time in a Pitts.
I have not flown the Midget Mustang, so I can't give a comparison there. The Mustang II has a much higher landing speed than the RVs, requiring a longer runway. The RV-3 flies much like the -4 except that it is more responsive and has a faster roll rate. Landing characteristics are very similar between the -3 and -4.
Fastback -3 maybe?

Interesting thread, after watching the Taylor 100 I've been thinking of lowest drag, lightest metal airframe that can take a -360....
It seems the -3 like Randy's built from the start with the goal of lightweight and high speed is a great choice.
Very much like the original harmon rocket 1.
Now if Bruce Hammers engine was in it!
Playing with fire..

Mel said:
Actually a windmilling prop has more to do with weight of the prop than the aircraft. A metal prop will continue to windmill because of the flywheel action. A wood prop has less inertia and will not windmill as much. This action has nothing to do with what type airplane it is on.

Guys, aside from the fact that you have instant cooling of the cylinders, thermal shock, you're playing with fire running the engine to exhaustion. If you try it once, at a high altitude to see how your gauges read or if it will indeed use all the available fuel, fine. Running it dry near the ground could bite you hard...the trim changes to a nose down condition immediately and if you have to reach for the fuel selector, swap hands and hit the starter, you get very busy quickly.

Please reconsider this,
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I too am interested in a demo flight in an RV-4. I am on the verge of purchasing a tail kit and would like to see what these airplanes are like in the air.

If anyone is in the eastern Pennsylvania area & willing to give me a demo, please let me know. I live at Grimes Airfield (8N1), a 2800' grass strip. I weigh around 160, so my wieght shouldn't be a problem.

