
Well Known Member
OK so I fit and drilled the standard left console and then ordered the deluxe 3 lever quadrant. I have done a minor mod that allows the top cap to fit, but find that the holes in my beautiful cable anchor bracket (F864E) do not align with the various levers. It would appear that to use this bracket would result in the cables being angled as they enter the console and attach to the levers. This can?t be right and I assume I will have to remake the bracket with the holes aligned with the levers rather than as specified on the drawings.

I have not found any reference to this particular issue on this site. Have others experienced this same problem, or am I missing something here?

I had to make the bracket twice because the first time I made the mirror image of the correct part. The holes however lined up well on both. Maybe your problem is in where you drilled the holes on the respective levers. I have put my assembly together and it works fine. Recheck your measurements. If I have it right, I agree with your solution i.e. to have them line up with the holes you will drill on the levers themselves --- unless it is way out.

...I haven't yet drilled the quadrant levers. Long way from that yet. Maybe there is hope for me yet; that cable anchor was a pain the the butt to cut out using just a hacksaw!
may be its a different supplier

Apparently Vans has two suppliers for the de luxe quadrant which is why some of them don't fit too well. I found that mine didn't fit the F864A1 properly and this was the reply from Vans when I queried it:

"Investigation indicates that the part that is "wrong" is the deluxe quadrant.
We have two quadrant vendors, one fits our pre-punched holes (they are the
original quadrant manufacturer). The newer Deluxe ones do not fit exactly - I
don't know why that vendor didn't use the same hole pattern as the other

So I imagine its a similar problem with the cable anchor bracket.... Oh great - another problem to look forward to solving.

Transverse misalignment

On my deluxe quadrant the levers are predrilled for the cables. The misalignment of holes and levers is in the transverse axis. The holes in the cable anchor are too far outboard from the front console plate to align the cables with the levers.


Hmmm, I'd better check mine again when I get home this evening. Maybe I'm wrong. I sure hope not...
how far out of line?


What kind of distance out is your quadrant? Mine looks to be about 3/16-1/4" to far outboard on the cable anchor - though it does appear that the cables should line up without too much strife. Unfortunately I don't at present have the clevis fittings to check this.


Mine fit, not perfectly, but functional. I sure wish I had mounted the anchor bracket with screws and fact I would redo the whole design to allow the quadrant and the anchor to fitted together first and then screw the support bracket to each.

The way it is now, it is a real pain in the a** to put the thing together and then take it apart if something is right (or in my case, adding a rear throttle).
similar numbers


What kind of distance out is your quadrant? Mine looks to be about 3/16-1/4" to far outboard on the cable anchor - though it does appear that the cables should line up without too much strife. Unfortunately I don't at present have the clevis fittings to check this.



I have just measured and find that each is 9/32" too far outboard. I also do not have the actual cables in hand but understand that this portion is quite rigid and may not like the angulation. The clevis pin will be angled in the hole in the lever and all in all I am not happy about the fit. I will order another piece of angle stock and make another bracket to my measurments.
