
Active Member
Dan you got a mixture knob on your pannel? Carb jetting problem not where to look. You may have an air leak in the system that might be leaning things out to cause the higher temps. Next consider "louvers on the bottom" for sure not the best place to install them for additional cooling. The bottom of the cowling is really a very high pressure point. Louvers installed on the lower sides of the cowling will do a much better job of moving more air out of your cowling. Install the louvers with the raised part of the louvers INSIDE your cowling holes side towards the front of the plane. This way you will not have anything sticking outside of your cowling, keeping drag to a minumim but will vent more air for you. Just my two cents worth but I've been there done that. Good luck....:)
Dan you got a mixture knob on your pannel? Carb jetting problem not where to look. You may have an air leak in the system that might be leaning things out to cause the higher temps. Next consider "louvers on the bottom" for sure not the best place to install them for additional cooling. The bottom of the cowling is really a very high pressure point. Louvers installed on the lower sides of the cowling will do a much better job of moving more air out of your cowling. Install the louvers with the raised part of the louvers INSIDE your cowling holes side towards the front of the plane. This way you will not have anything sticking outside of your cowling, keeping drag to a minumim but will vent more air for you. Just my two cents worth but I've been there done that. Good luck....:)

Hi Joe!

Yes, the mixture is full rich. As it turned out carb jetting was part of the problem (incorrectly set - corrected on the flow bench), as well as a cracked gasket that was letting in air (replaced) and a boost venturi of the wrong diameter (swapped out with correct size). All of these items fixed now and the carburetor going back on Monday. Thanks for the louvers idea.

Oh, and it's Doug, not Dan ;) :eek: :D.
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Sorry about the slip up but us oldguys have "SQUIRREL" are short comings. Sounds like you have a handle on your carb woes. I'll try to do better on the name thingie Dave......:D