
Well Known Member
Hi gang,

I?m looking for a little insight from those of you that?s had experience with the Delta Pop Red Tail com antennas VS. Comant CI 122. I think that the CI 122 is more commonly seen/used on RV?s but I?ve also heard good things about the Red Tail antennas as well. The Delta Pop units are about half the price of the CI 122?s. I?ll spend the extra money on the CI 122?s if there?s actually a measurable difference in the performance or quality of them over the Red Tails, but I?d rather spend that money elsewhere on the airplane.

I doubt you'll find many that have used both and can give a real comparison between them, but I have a pair of the Delta-Pop on my comm radios and love them, no issues at all.
+1 on the red tail. I got excellent performance out of it on the 6a, and am putting another on my current 8 project.
I asked a similar question

I was in a similar spot and didn't know if there was any "good" reason to pick one over another.

Honestly I decided to just go with the Delta-Pop due to price as the specs were near identical. I'm guessing this is some cost-savings since it's not "certified" :)

Either way, I don't think you can go wrong with either antenna.
I think you will find many RV's have the DP due to price and exceptional quality. I have two and would do it again.
I'm using DP for TX and ADSB ants but used the CI122 for the comm only because of the mounting design. I wanted them under the rear seats of the 10 and didn't want to put in access panels. The CI122 can be installed using nutplates assuming you have enough service loop on the ant cable. The DP require access to the back for securing the nuts.

I've seen lots of good comments about the DP, so would have used them if I had planned ahead a bit better.
I recently emailed some ADS-B antenna questions to Don Pansier (Delta Pop) and he took the time to answer them in great detail. If I ever need an antenna, I'll definitely buy it from him.
I'm using DP for TX and ADSB ants but used the CI122 for the comm only because of the mounting design. I wanted them under the rear seats of the 10 and didn't want to put in access panels. The CI122 can be installed using nutplates assuming you have enough service loop on the ant cable. The DP require access to the back for securing the nuts.

I've seen lots of good comments about the DP, so would have used them if I had planned ahead a bit better.

I have a similar configuration. Trust me, you will want the access panels. I thought the same way you did. After two years of flying, I put access panels in the seat pan above the antennas.

After doing so, its so much easier than taking the antenna off to get to the coax connection. I had a radio issue and had to get to the connector for troubleshooting.