
Well Known Member
Hey all,

Just wanted to mention (another) example of the fine customer service from Don at Delta Pop Aviation; several years ago I bought his bent whip com antenna for a belly mount on my RV-8. Worked great, no issues! Fast forward to my current panel upgrade... I'm finally getting around to installing an ADSB solution and a second com radio, so I ordered another bent whip com antenna from Don. Now the problem; sometime during the last few years the bent whip angle changed from a 45 deg angle to 90-ish back along the belly. Not a huge deal really, but now I'd have a aesthetic mismatch between the two antennas.

I emailed Don asking if there was a way to bend my old antenna to match the new one, whether I tried it or sent it in for him to have a whack at it. He responded promptly by saying he was sending me a whole new antenna to replace my old one. He didn't ask for a dime, not even to cover shipping.

Awesome! Don's my new hero. Since my old antenna still works fine I'm going to ship it back to him, perhaps he can still use it for something; I'd feel kinda guilty keeping it hanging on the hangar wall or something...

Thanks Don!
John B

When I was building the little jet, it was apparent that none of the existing Comm antennas were going to work because the belly was so close to the ground. One guy had simply resent his existing antenna to fit, and when I mentioned this to Don, I could see him cringe as he told me how that would affect the SWR ( and the magic in general). He volunteered to. Make an antenna that would fit and tune it specifically for the resulting shape - for no extra charge.

Works fabulously, and I can say I have ?custom? antennas! Don is just great.

Met Don briefly at OSH a couple of years ago. He was walking the line and stopped to THANK me for buying his antennae. It stood out that he was honestly thanking me and not fishing for compliments.
The best

Emailed Don last week, got an answer in 30 mins. I followed back up and Don replied almost immediately. Good product can?t carry past poor service....Don?s got both GOOD !

The best

Emailed Don last week, got an answer in 30 mins. I followed back up and Don replied almost immediately. Good product can?t carry past poor service....Don?s got both GOOD !
