

i am consider to order a RV7, Standardkit.

I am located in germany.

Any news about the delivery time for the whole Kit? I will ovoid to receive more than one package.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards
If you’re waiting for it to ship in one go, then I think a realistic estimate is getting on towards two years at current lead times.
Delivery estimates

Good morning Chris

From Vans Website:

Tail Kit: Nov-Dec 2022

Wing Kit: Feb 2023

Fuselage Kit: April -May 2023

Finish Kit: 12 months

QB Kit : 12-16 months

So from the previous post I saved you a year......you owe me a beer..:D

Jump in the water is fine.

Hope this helps.
It is my understanding that Van’s will no longer ship a complete kit. I’m pretty sure that as each sub-kit is completed Van’s doesn’t have the storage space to hold it and has to ship it out right away. You may want to check with Van’s and perhaps overseas shipments are different.
Hello, thanks for the answers.

Yes, i have to check it with Vans.

Overseas will be bad to pay the shipping costs four Times, when every Kit come alone.