Thanks for Sharing Your Adventure

Nice job ?bringing her home?. This should be required reading for every recently minted/VFR pilot on the forum. A great example of how to deal with weather and changing conditions by planning, using flight following, being flexible and always leaving yourself an out.
Congratulations to Tim. Should be the first of many adventures in a wonderful aircraft.
Terry, CFI
Congratulations Tim!

I enjoyed your trip report Josh thanks. Good to see familiar airports you guys flew through. Is Rex still fueling airplanes? Nice job on wx diversions and flight planning! Looking forward to your next adventure.
Nice write up Josh!

I'm particularly impressed that Chicago cleared you into the class Bravo.

I'm based at 57C and fly south and east of here regularly. I've been denied by Chicago ATC so many times I've quit asking and just go over the top without talking with them. (often bumpier than I like running along the shore line at 2500)

On the down side of that I had close encounter of the 747 kind a couple of weeks ago at 10.5 right over O'Hare. Never see anyone at that altitude in that spot so it surprised me.

I think I'll try establishing flight following with them and let them know I'm going over the top. Maybe they'll stay with me.

Glad you had a safe trip and it's always good to know there's another RV in the neighborhood.
Thanks for all the nice comments.

veetail88- I am surprised at how accommodating they are to me. My in-laws in OH so we are crossing through ORD and CLE bravo all the time. Almost every time they route us through. I had a 747 driver read one of my stories and give me a lot of grief about entering B. Kept saying that B existed to keep small planes out. I?ve never asked for B, but flight following has handed me off and put me right into the approaches. When I built and flew my Sonex, I was denied 100%. The RV has crossed through 9/10 times! ORDAPP always asks first what make and model, even though it?s in my flight following. LOL. They must just love the 9A. ;)

Terry- Thank you. Those are very kind words. I?m humbled and flattered.