
Well Known Member
Should a dehydrator plug be put in each spark plug hole or just one in the top hole per cylinder? 4 or 8 total for a IO-360?

More is better!

I bought a bunch and installed them in every hole I could find. :eek:

I have extras so I can decouple the fun part of changing them out with the un-fun part of swapping out the little beads.

Mine are plastic, and with so many thousands of people doing this, seems like a biz opportunity for someone to create metal dehydrator plug that can be just thrown in the oven from time to time to dry them. Perhaps this exists but I have not seen them.
You can put them in all eight holes and it will extend the time between the need to change them, but over time, the lower ones will get fouled with oil.

I've been drying mine in the oven for years - during the summer, about every 3 weeks....just the desiccant of course, not the whole thing, but it takes maybe 20 mins total from removal to reinstall...

I suppose you could also buy these packets (or the really small ones) and just stuff a new one in each glass...also revivable in the oven...but I put them in the exhaust pipe and duct tape it shut https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Indicating-Silica-Packets-Desiccants/

As far as how many, I just do the top plugs cause I also spray fogging oil in the cylinder when I take out the desiccant plugs for their oven-ing....
I use a heat gun to dry my beads. Much quicker than the oven. Also, water is one of the combustion products of natural gas so you end up with moist heat. Pour the beads into a ceramic bowl and stir them with a stick as you shoot the heat gun over them until they all turn blue.
Stewart Willoughby, 6. Painting is next!