
Well Known Member
I've got 4 of these in my shiny new Aerosport engine. Are they serviceable?

I unscrewed the top part but there is a gold metal screen that's looks pressed in and prevents getting at the beads. I understand the whole drying thing as I've used the dessicant medium for other projects. Anybody get the beads out or just bake the upper plastic part intact? If not, looks like I'll have to spring for these from ACS.

I've also got the engine dryer kit but wanted to use both until I start flying.
I use a dental pick on the screen - just be over a bowl in case it pops suddenly, or you'll have beads everywhere!
My method was .... drill a tiny hole in the brass screen, which then made it easy to pull them out each time I baked the beads in the future.
Couple of very sharp raps on a metal surface!

Will drop the disk down a little (or maybe off) Then carefully push on one edge of the sintered disk to pop the other edge up. Then lift with the dental pick--and voila.
Be careful

Make sure when you put it back together the screen is properly in place, since if the beads fall into the cylinder, you're gonna have a bad time.
Make sure when you put it back together the screen is properly in place, since if the beads fall into the cylinder, you're gonna have a bad time.

Saw that on page 130 of the current Lycoming Operators Manual 60297-12-5. Yikes!

General - Should any of the dehydrator plugs, containing crystals of silica-gel or similar be broken during their term of storage or upon their removal from the engine, that portion of the engine must be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned before using the engine.