
Well Known Member
Since Arkansas doesn't have their own forum section, I am posting here about a really nice, down-home RV fly-in.
We opted out of flying into the weather in west Texas for LOE and headed to Pine Bluff, AR, for the 1st Annual Deep South RV FlyIn at Grider Field.
It turned out to be lots of fun. The judges were on us as soon as we landed making it short and sweet. We missed some of the events but caught the tail end of the "time to climb" event where contestants had to climb to 1,500' AGL. They very efficiently ran a two-event contest where contestants had to do a short-field takeoff and then come back around the pattern to do a spot landing.
I believe at last count, there were 22 RV's present.
There were brats, hot dogs, & burgers for lunch along with beverages. All they asked was for a donation. There was even discounted fuel.
After all the events they had door prize drawings of which there were 3 winners of 10 gallons of fuel. Guess what, my wife was the 3rd winner!
The only thing I saw wrong with this fly-in was that it was held on the same weekend as LOE, and that's only because we would have missed it had the weather been nicer between Fort Worth and El Paso. :)
Maybe next year the organizers will schedule the 2nd Annual Deep South RV FlyIn so it doesn't conflict with the major RV event because I hope to attend both in 2009.
Good job and thanks to the Arkansas EAA Chapters that helped with the event and keep us informed of your future plans.
Deep South Fly In

I agree, The folks at Pine Bluff did a great job. It is a nice facility, the food was good and the people were friendly.
I had to leave early because of other commitments so I missed the announcement of the winners.
A round of applause is due the EAA Chapter there in Pine Bluff.