
Well Known Member

I've the Garmin 296 and need help with the declutter options.

Page 33 in the manual (2004 edition) describes how to clear unwanted details from the map, using the "Clear-1, 2 and 3 options.

None of these options does what I want really, because I want all the details displayed, but NOT all the names!
(names of the cities, roads, lakes etc)

Is it any way to get rid of the names, WITHOUT using the "Clear-1" option. (That option takes away highways, cities, railroads, rivers etc etc as well)

I've also tried to do this in the setup menu and on the Terrain page, but I'm not able to do it...?

Is this possible or do I just have to live with it as it is...?
Turn the level of detail down on the map page. You get there from hitting the menu button a few times when the map is displayed and then scrolling down until you see the menu item you want.

Go into the settings and adjust the level of when the names come up. For example, you can have small towns only show when you have zoomed in say 8 miles. When you are at 12 miles the small town no longer show. You can do this with several map features.
I don't have mine in front of me, but I'm pretty sure that if you go into the map setup page, navigate to the "Road" tab, and change the text size for "Local Road Name" to Off, it will stop showing labels for road data (while continuing to show the road lines on the screen). You can similarly change the text for lakes/rivers, cities, etc. to Off.

Found it!

Hi again.

Thanks for the input guys!
Based on them, I've found out how to get rid of all the names etc.

My Garmin map page is now so easy to read, so a simple pilotmind like mine can easiliy understand it. :)

Visibility in strong sunlight 296

BTW, if you have trouble seeing the screen in bright sunlight, you can make it better by turning off the terrain shading. I don't know how much you value the shading, but without it, the screen is much more readable.
Great tip Mel! I did not know that.

I have found the Garmin 196 - 496 the easiest most intuitive GPS on the market. Easy to use, set up, and update on line. What is really nice is once you master the 196, they are basically the same on up the ladder to a 496. Just quicker processing and more info. Master the 296 & you are set when you upgrade, or if you learn on a 496 a 196 is easy to use also. Garmin is simply the best.

Read the manual cover to cover (excluding the Marine functions :cool: X-Navy here.;)) it really helps get all the little features that you can really use to get the most out of a Garmin portable.
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I continue to be thrilled and amazed with little stuff on my 496, even a year and a half after buying it.

I am in the process of setting up a 430/SL30 stack, and I have my 496 wired to them over serial. When I setup a flightplan in the 430, it fills into the 496 automatically, then the 496 sends all the frequencies for the nearest and destination airports into the SL30, as well as the frequencies for the 20 closest VORs. If I'm on any screen with a freq on it in the 496, I can hit enter on that frequency and it'll populate into the appropriate standby on the SL30.