
Well Known Member
I hope to start construction of one or the other by August. I have been leaning toward the 7A. However, I do not like the way the gear towers protrude into the rudder pedal area. My planned mission includes extensive cross country with my wife who is not an aviation enthusiast. That means she may go to see the children and grand children by not just to be flying.

The centerline seating of the 8A is very appealing. If I were to only fly alone, the 8A would win hands down. If "she who must be obeyed" really enjoyed flying, the 7A would be a no brainer. I am not willing to consider a tail dragger.

I would appreciate any thoughts others have on the subject
I had the same dilemma back in the early 90s when I was deciding between an RV4 or RV6. My wife also didn't care for flying that much but liked the idea of the side by side....so RV6 it was. I flew in that plane 900 hours..she flew in it 0 hours! So, now I am finally building the plane I really wanted in the first place, a tandem. (But now it's an RV8.) I'd advise you to build the plane YOU want to fly and SWWBO (She Who Will Be Obeyed) can still go along if she wants, but I'll bet you she won't go often, regardless of which plane you build.
Back seat of an 8 model is roomier than the passenger area of a 6/7/9. Much more elbow room (and places to stuff a pillow for in-flight passenger sleeping). Flown in both as a passenger and the 8 wins for passenger comfort IMHO. The view is just fine from the back of the 8 also.

The 6/7/9 solo is pretty roomy, also :) .

You really won't notice the gear towers, and many are covered with upoltstery.

Personally, I've always liked P-51's (fighter style), but when I started, the RV8 wasn't available and the RV4 was too small.

In reality, I enjoy cross-country flights across the western desert and mountain areas of the U.S., and I prefer to have company rather than flying solo. IMO, it's always great to share the sights with someone else.

My wife also likes to fly ( but always a bit spooked) and she's kind of an airshow & Reno Races fanatic.

Given all that, I went with an RV6A since I prefer side by side company rather than the way it is on our motorcycle.

L.Adamson RV6A/180HP/CS --- finishing fiberglass work
I went through the same dilemma and actually completed my 7 empennage before getting a ride in a friend's 8 and coming to my senses. I agree with the others who said to build what you want. The 8 has a great view and more room in the back seat, and you'll be happier. If your wife doesn't enjoy flying then you're the only one who will enjoy the plane. Build what makes you happy.

RV-8 wings
I "obeyed" as well!

:D My wife said, "It's your airplane, you better build what you really want". So I ordered the -8 emp. I've got the stab done and the other day she ask me about a -10!

I love that woman!

If you are going to build more than one then either will do, if you plan to build just one then build the one you really want.

It will help if you can find a -7 and an -8 for her to try on. ;) Sit next to her in the -7 then she will see the extra room/comfort in the -8.

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I chose the -7. Reasons driving my decision:

1) More panel space! I like avionics, bells whistles and things to play with.

2) Easier to load for cross countries (CG-wise). Put whatever you want in the back up to 80-100 lbs.

3) Baggage compartment is close by and will hold my little dog quite well.

4) Passengers typically like to be seated side by side and I take a lot of newbies for rides.

5) ...and I found this out later, the -7 Slow Build is easier to make. The -8 needs a jig and is less prepunched than the -7. You can cleco most of it together.

I hope this helps.

Oh, yes... make it a taildragger!

;) CJ
I'm building the -9 because I want to use it as a bush plane, it takes an affordable engine (O-290 in my case), AND my wife plans on using it to get her license in. Yes, she will be a 100% tailwheel pilot when she gets her PPL.

I?ve told her that the next one will be a fun plane. A bi-plane, RV-3, or maybe even an -8, who knows, I need to finish the -9 first.

You might want to get her a ride in a -7 and an -8 between now and when you order the kit and let her tell you which she likes better. Nothing like having her complain about you spending time in your Aircraft Factory on a plane she is already knows she doesn?t like. The complaint factor will just go up.

Also, do what I?ve done. Try to get her interested in the building process. Nora has learned how to use the drill press (big deal for her!), file aluminum, de-burr holes, and buck rivets.

Good luck!
Thanks for the input. I have ridden in an 8A once. It was a flight that lasted 45 min each way. I have ridden in a 7A once. That flight was much shorter. Both times, the A/C owner let me have some stick time. I enjoyed the right seat stick time more because I could see better.

Room should not be a problem either way. Neither my wife nor I are large. I suppose the answer is "Am I willing to give up center line seating for the chance that she will fly with me and eventually enjoy my passion?' Today, the answer is yes.
I was led into this -7 vs -8 dilema well after I had made the decision that only an -8 would do. I met a guy that is building an -8A and he pointed out the lack of the gear tower structures in his cockpit and said that they would be annoying in the -8. After talking to several -8 owners, I have decided that they shouldn't be a problem. I was also told that I should consider a -7 for the wife's sake. I like what one poster said about having 900 hours in his -6 and his wife having 0 hours! That is eye opening! My wife may fly with me, she may not. SHE says to build what I want!

I too like the centerline seating, fighter feel of an -8. For me, only an -8 will do! I hope to start after moving into a new home this summer.

Terry Swindle
RV-8 Preview Plans
N232TS reserved
Your choice

The view is better in the 8, front OR back! Roll rate is more fun in a 8.
The RV8A is a little easer to build than a RV8 because the gear towers are a pain. They cancel out the nose wheel, building effort the cowing adds to the 8.
Build a RV8/A You will love it!!
Buy my 6? I will build a RV8 to replace it
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another consideration

Just one more input....In a tandem, you alway have the option of isolate on the intercom,,

RV- 8 shakes

Jaypratt said:
The view is better in the 8, front OR back! Roll rate is more fun in a 8.
I am not sure about the roll rate comment. I have never heard this. In fact the most pilots don?t even use near the max rate of roll (full stick deflection). The RV-7 has 1 more foot span than a -8, but the fuselage is wider so the wing loadings are similar. Roll rate is more pilot skill and any difference is small.

In general there are handling issues with the RV-8 no other models had before, the tendency to shake the tail near stall. No way is this a put down of the -8. The RV-8 shake is common but not predictable. Some seem to find it very objectionable and others hardly notice it. Also CG shift causes vast difference in handling with and without a passenger as does the RV-4. You tend to be near fwd cg solo, requiring full up trim on approach and then some, and aft cg with a passenger, especially with bags causes a very light stick in pitch. Not real desirable to have too light stick pressures while still having the same roll forces doing acro with a passenger. Without a passender the stick forces are a little heavy for acro.

Totally a personal choice, but if you are going to fly with your mate, side-by-side is better. In a tandem you might as well be flying in formation with your passenger. As far as view in the back seat of a ?8 they will have nil fwd vis and decent views on down behind the wing on both sides. My previous plane was a -4; I am building a -7 now because I wanted the room. Even solo you can stretch out and have room to rest stuff on the co-pilots seat. With that said the ?8 is a nice plane and has the fighter plane look. Cheers George