
Well Known Member
I just received my ADS-B Performance Report. The Exceptions table on page 3 are all NO. The second table under Integrity & Accuracy on page 4 is as follows:

Category: Avg, Min, Max
NIC: 3.0, 2, 3
NACp: 3.0, 3, 3
NACv: 0.0, 0, 0
SIL: 3.0, 0, 3
SDA: 0.0, 0, 0

The rest of the tables in the report are all BLANKS - there is no number or percentage. And there is no red color blocks in any of the table.

I don't think I passed, but what does my report mean?

Thanks in advance.
Are you trying to get your rebate? There is a different site that gives you pass/fail. It also gives you another report that you will need for your rebate. They two sites look identical. One is the report site, one is the rebate qualification site. You should be able to find it with a little on-line searching.
IF you're using a color printer and you have no red block or exceptions you should be good. The results are categorized in blocks and most show the " % failed and MCF" or Maximum Consecutive Failures. You are looking for O% failure and O MCF here. In the box labelled SIL it will indicated the number of samples under the appropriate SIL which it was transmitting. Same under SDA box. Approved devices exp or otherwise should show data meeting SIL 3 and SDA 2. I think the report format may have changed a little bit as of lately but this is what I remember from the earlier reports.
Wrong FAA website...

Thanks, guys.

PA38112 is correct. I was in the wrong website:

The correct one is:

The Performance Monitor cound not confirm that all requirements for the GA Incentive Program were
sufficient based on this flight, &

The Performance Monitor could not validate that the requested flight met ADS-B Out rule
requirements. Please review Performance Report and work with your installation provider to correct
Did you follow the instructions? e.g., 30 minutes flying inside ?rule? airspace (airspace where adsb-out will be required in 2020)? Did you do a few 360?s, and climbs and descents? What items came up red?
Nothing red in the report, but no numbers in most tables. I spoke to Trig and was told I need to update my software. My Garmin 420W has 5.2 & 5.0 which are good, but my TT31 needs 3.16. It will take about 10 days for Trig to update it. Unlike Garmin, Trig will update my software for free!
Passed ...

I finally passed my ADS-B performance test. Updating both Garmin and Trig to the latest software did the trick. Thanks for all your help.