Paul Austin

Active Member
HI all
Just installed my engine and trying to decide on which proppellor to us i have narrowed it down to a senseich or the whirlwind Ga. Can someone give me some info in regard to weight and balance i Have an RV7A IO-360 and everything is a per the plans the sensenich ia about 40lbs and the whirlwind is only about 28lbs for prop and spacer will this put my CG to far aft or would it still be in the exeptable range any help would be much appreciated;)
Whirlwind 200RV

HI all
Just installed my engine and trying to decide on which proppellor to us i have narrowed it down to a senseich or the whirlwind Ga. Can someone give me some info in regard to weight and balance i Have an RV7A IO-360 and everything is a per the plans the sensenich ia about 40lbs and the whirlwind is only about 28lbs for prop and spacer will this put my CG to far aft or would it still be in the exeptable range any help would be much appreciated;)

Hi Paul,

You can't go wrong with the Whirlwind. Also, something to keep in mind, the WW comes with a ready to use spinner system. It is done!!!
I tried to keep the weight forward with a
Sensenich prop on my 7A. I also used
their metal spinner.
My W&B worse case has my baggage limited
to 80 lbs.
If limited baggage is a problem, you may
have to add some more weight up front.
You can easily run some 'what-if' W&B numbers.
The whirlwind GA prop looks awesome. It's the same blade as the 200RV. It's a tad spendy compared to the sensy but it has it's benefits.

What engine are you running? If you are running the 150/160HP 320 the sensy has RPM restrictions to keep in mind. The 180HP sensy does not.
Does anybody have the Whirlwind GA installed on an RV-4? I was just wondering what your impressions are, what pitch you're using, and what kind of performance you're seeing?