
Active Member
Make sure it?s insurable before you buy it. If you plan to install anything other than a standard engine in your aircraft you must tell your insurance broker. They should also be asking you this at some point during the quoting process.

If you are considering using an auto engine that has been converted to aircraft use please make sure you check with your insurance broker to see if it?s insurable before you buy it. Most insurance companies will NOT insure these and if they will the premium could be 2 or 3 times more than what you would normally pay. Be sure to call your broker if you will be installing a non-standard aircraft engine to make sure it will be approved. If you do not have a broker yet please give us a call and we will answer your questions for you.

I have a Subaru powered RV-7A, and when shopping for insurance not once was it mentioned as a problem. My rates are lower than most others I talk to (of course being a CFII with >5000 hrs doesn't hurt). I don't know a single person with an alternative engine that has had an issue getting insurance at a competitive price. Pilot experience and time in type are the two items that everyone mentions that the insurance companies ask about.
My insurance company had no problems with the Viking engine, nobody else I am aware of has had a problem either. Still, worth checking out.
I have a Subaru powered RV-7A, and when shopping for insurance not once was it mentioned as a problem. My rates are lower than most others I talk to (of course being a CFII with >5000 hrs doesn't hurt). I don't know a single person with an alternative engine that has had an issue getting insurance at a competitive price. Pilot experience and time in type are the two items that everyone mentions that the insurance companies ask about.

The most recent issues we are having is with the Corvette LS conversion engine. There is only 1 market out there that will quote these. We have a few on the books now but they are grandfathered in. That market it not currently writing any new ones.
Is it possible...

... that ins companies are just now comparing notes on the reliability of alt engines? Don't know of actual stats but would be informative to compare. My WAG would be 2-3 times the failure rate per 1000 hrs for alt engines.

Maybe Ross could weigh in?

Thanks for the info, that's not something that I had thought about until your post. Do you have any other tidbits on what might make any particular RV easier, or harder, to insure?


A friend of mine had an LS1 in his -10. With all the extra drag and weight, he was considerably slower than my -10.

It eventually burned to the ground after a fuel leak in the tunnel.
