
Well Known Member
A warning to all using the fuel additive Decalin. The poor design of the bottle allows seepage out through the cap of the measuring cup at increased temperatures, or decreased air pressure (high altitudes). Ask me how I know! I found out on the Oshkosh trip that Decalin makes a very effective paint remover. I suggest if you carry Decalin in youur airplane that you enclose the bottle in some sort of fluid proof outer container.
You don't want the decalin spillage vapors to stand around in stagnant air either...probably not an issue in a flying airplane cockpit with plenty of fresh airflow, but once parked on the ground and sitting with the canopy shut would be a real concern.
Just for conversation sake. Typically paint thinners will not affect fully cured paint.

Decalin is not an octane booster. It's a lead scavenger.
Didn't have any problems with mine, but I made certain to tighten caps securely following use. The biggest thrill was pumping in the 100ll. I got splashed on first effort, but had my splashguard cover in place so no problem. I think it took me 10-15 minutes each time I added 10-12 gal. as It would only take about a 1/2" dia. flow into the fill pipe w/o spilling over. Has anyone found a vent remedy?
dick seiders
A warning to all using the fuel additive Decalin. The poor design of the bottle allows seepage out through the cap of the measuring cup at increased temperatures, or decreased air pressure (high altitudes). Ask me how I know! I found out on the Oshkosh trip that Decalin makes a very effective paint remover. I suggest if you carry Decalin in youur airplane that you enclose the bottle in some sort of fluid proof outer container.

When I carry any liquid such as oil, decalin, etc., in an aircraft, I always put it in a heavy (freezer type) gauge zip-lock back and remove as much air as possible while sealing. It will help prevent this type of thing from happening.
Ship it

I was having the same concern so I took advantage to Aircraft Spruces' free shipping option and will looking for it in the mail soon.
I was having the same concern so I took advantage to Aircraft Spruces' free shipping option and will looking for it in the mail soon.

I thought it was just me. Thank goodness I had the bottle in a ziplock bag. When first using it at refueling I found about a 1/2 cup in the bottom of the bag. Have now packed paper towels under the bottle. We usually fly high and I guess the lids don't seal well. The stuff works, or I wouldn't be messing with it. The bottle needs a redesign though.
Does anybody have access to a quart size Decalin bottle? I have one at the hangar and am trying to find rough outer dimensions to find a cereal container to put the bottle in - without driving all the way to the hangar.
I don't trust Ziploc bags for long as they tend to develop small leaks in the corners when used continuously. I would allow for some micro-venting at the top of the cereal container to deal with the pressure changes.
Thanks, Mel! I think the U-channel is just about 2.5" deep , so there won't be any extra room for a box around the quart size bottle at least. A Ziploc bag will have to do for now or I would have to get the smaller bottle to take with me and use the big one as a refill.
Nice bottle, Doc! What caps did you use with it? The pressure sensitive ones or the ones with the basic liner only?
Oh, and what I am I going to do with the other 49 bottles when the minimum order count is 50? ;-)
I just keep my Decalin bottle in a 1 gal freezer zip lock bag. Although in 7 years the bottle hasn't leaked.
I bought my Decalin from California Power Systems and it came in the type bottle that was posted here. I thought it was just standard packaging.