
Well Known Member
See attached. 13 week plan.

My takeaways - i found the amounts they have set aside for LCP interesting - shows they are budgeting a huge amount to fix the problems.

Egyptian Air Force? Did they order RV12 trainers or something?

$575,520 in restructuring fees....

$100k for new software - prob accounting and cust relationship software i assume. Although that seems light.

no financial expert but it sure seems they have some needles to thread here.


  • VA 13 weeks.pdf
    309.6 KB · Views: 561
Looks like they expect to give a lot of crating notices in the next two weeks.

Numbers looks like 3.6 weeks of steady state collections.
I wonder if the software is what this zen desk thing is. Customer service replied to a question to me saying they couldn't see what I sent until they get their access.
I wonder if the software is what this zen desk thing is. Customer service replied to a question to me saying they couldn't see what I sent until they get their access.

even if they got that for everyone, it wouldn't be that expensive.

I imagine it's ZenDesk, plus some boilerplate MRP solution like Odoo.

Enough seats of those two, plus nominal training would be around that cost.

That is very good if they are being dragged (kicking and screaming) into modern software.

Van's should be the perfect size business to benefit greatly from some of these modern cloud-based solutions. Big enough to justify the complexity, but small enough to not bump up against scaling issues.