
Active Member
Our airport manager at Columbus, TX, Bob Cowart, passed away in August. His request was to have his ashes spread over the airport; this is scheduled for Sat. Dec 19, when his children are all in town. There will also be a plaque dedicated at the airport in his honor.

Bob was an experienced homebuilder. This spring I was talking with him about getting an aerobatic aircraft. I was considering an open cockpit biplane, and Bob told me to get an RV. I took his advice and began looking. Unfortunately, he was not around to see it.

So, if we have enough volunteers, I would like to arrange a missing-man formation for this ceremony. I would need a minimum of 3 others (ideally 4--to have a spare.)

Plan will be for an 0800 brief, 0900 practice, and 1000 for real.

I'll buy lunch and gas for anyone that can help. Some formation experience required (need not be formal--FAST card, etc). If we have one person with 4-ship flight lead qualification, that would be ideal.

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