
Active Member
Are they all the same? Can anyone recommend one that is ideal for the RV-14?

Never used one and don't really want to end up with 1/2 a dozen of them :)
Deburring is a broad topic. There are a number of different tools/techniques depending on whether you're talking about general edge deburring, punched holes, or drilled holes, etc.

You may find you end up with more than a few tools - time being more valuable in some cases....

For holes in general, this style is pretty good IMO:

(can be used by hand or using a tool to rotate)

Another good setup:

Edges are another topic - deburring methods can include 3M Scotchbrite wheels, sandpaper, and purpose-designed tools like this:
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Suggest you do some searches and look at Van's recommendations also for tools. If you don't have any building experience perhaps some EAA courses or Synergy Air's introductory classes - this will really help understand tools you may need.

Planetools also has nice tool kits.
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A lot of people swear by the Scotchbrite disks on a bench grinder. Instead, I use files, a small assortment of flat mill files, a Vixen file and several small shaped files for the inside corners and so on. I've seen the very fine debris left in the air by both sanders and the Scotchbrite disks. Can't see the stuff unless it's in strong direct sunlight. Please use a good dust mask or an N95 mask while using these tools.

Incidentally, a belt sander of some kind can be very useful on edges - try to keep the sandpaper movement parallel to the edge for the smoothest results. I have two, one is a 12" disk and the other is this 1" belt sander. It's definitely worth the money.

On some parts that I needed to cut with a bandsaw, I follow that with the sander and then a Vixen file, with the mill or other files to smooth out the corners of the edge.

There are also the rib flange holes you will have to deal with that all these will not easily reach. You should really consider one of the in/out deburring tools for holes. You may think holy cow that's expensive for what it does but believe me it is worth it's weight in gold. The most come sizes used are the 3/32 with the 1/8 not as much but nice to have when you need it. Try the Yard Store for the lower cost option.

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Most holes I deburr with a larger drill bit spun with my fingers. We're only taking off the burrs and being careful not to countersink the metal. Cautious is the name of the game.

Some blind holes will require fancy tools like this one mentioned earlier:

Edges, I have a scotchbrite wheel in my bench grinder and smaller ones on my pneumatic die grinder. The little ones are great for small areas, lightning holes or large skins that can't be brought to the bench grinder/scotchbrite wheel.