I needed to knock out some instrument approaches to keep current, and found the program called CloudAhoy that put a high-tech spin on evaluating how well i flew them.



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I played with that app for a while when it was *cough* free, and it's very nice.

Used to throw my ipad in the back seat with students flying solo cross countries, and even pattern work. I'd eventually tell them when I found a good teaching moment...again it was free as I recall.
ForeFlight will record your track if so you desire, and don't forget that FlightAware will show your cleared route and actual flight path as well.
ForeFlight will record your track if so you desire, and don't forget that FlightAware will show your cleared route and actual flight path as well.

I noticed that CloudAhoy allows you to put in your intended route, and I'm guessing it would display your actual tracks against the intended just like it does for approaches. But i haven't tried that out. I might have to check that out too.
Likewise, WingX on an iPad will record your track and a vertical profile view, for later playback. (and if you're a cfi the whole program is free!)