
Well Known Member
In March, we took an unexpected trip to Furnace Creek which is located in Death Valley, California. We were visiting Las Vegas with some friends for a couple of days and had the weekend free. A front was moving in on Sunday so we decided to head over the Furnace Creek for one night which was only about 85nm west of Las Vegas. Friday afternoon we launched out of North Las Vegas to Furnace Creek.
Immediately out of Las Vegas, you are using all 260 HP to climb over the mountains which had snow on them even though it was 80 degrees when we left and 94 when we landed in Furnace Creek.

Looking back towards Las Vegas


Furnace Creek is a small resort in the middle of the desert. Here is their website.
It consists of two hotels, a couple restaurants, a store, golf course and lots of camping and RV spots.

Death Valley is home to the lowest point in North America which is 232 feet below sea level. The airport is located at 210 feet below sea level.

As you approach Furnace Creek from the east, you start to see a green area in the middle of the desert. The runway appears to be much longer than it actually is. Only 3,000 feet of the runway is paved and the rest looks like they either tore it up or never finished it.



You can start to see Furnace Creek in the distance.


As I mentioned there are two hotels, Furnace Creek Inn and Ranch Resort. The Furnace Creek Inn is about twice as expense as the Ranch Resort. The Inn is up on the hill and the ranch is located in the larger area.

This picture shows the Inn on the hill.

We landed and they have a phone at the airport where you can call for a van to pick you up. They were there within 5 minutes.

Here is a good picture of the golf course, which of course is the lowest golf course in North America.



This is a cool picture of the Cheltons on the ground. You don't see that everyday.


It really is a flat desert our there.
The only room available was located at the Furance Creek Inn. We were lucky to even get a room it sounds like.
The Inn was built in 1927 and has been updated. It is a great hotel with a nice pool. They also have a garden that makes you feel like you are in Hawaii, not the driest place in America.
It appeared to me that Furnace Creek has been placed on the map recently. More and more people were visiting during the winter months and it was being featured in many travel magazines. I asked them why it had become so popular lately and they told me that in 2004 (I think) they had some flooding and it caused the best wild flower blooming ever. There were flowers that they had never seen before. This made the news all over and really caused a buzz for Furnace Creek and Death Valley.

Here are a few pictures of the Furnace Creek Inn.





This is a great getaway for your spouse with a nice pool, warm winter sun, great margaritas and massage. To end the day, we had a good dinner at the Wrangler Steakhouse which is located down at the Ranch Resort, and enjoyed the walk back. There were NO lights which provided a great view of the stars. We had fun looking at all the constellations. I have a great iPhone app. called Starmap that shows the sky and all the names.

Here is a sign we passed on our way back to the Furnace Creek Inn.

The next day we had a beautiful breakfast at the Inn and received a ride back to the plane to beat the storm that was coming in the next day.



We would go back for sure someday to do more exploring and go to Badwater which is where the lowest elevation is located, it is only 17 miles from Furnace Creek. We had great weather and found some new friends.
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OK, here is another real reason I did this write-up.

At dinner that night, we met Sharon, our waitress, who was so nice and really fun to talk with. She told us all about her fight against cancer and how she was lucky to have won the battle. The last year several years she and her friends have been raising money for cancer patients at Death Valley. Here is a link to the fundraiser and upcoming event in May.
There are 400 employees working in Death Valley and three of them are currently fighting cancer. Last year they raised $5,000 at this event.
Here is a picture of Sharon with us.

The Death Valley Walk For Life organization is a qualified non-profit and uses the money to assist with the financial burdens for those fighting cancer, such as installing handicap ramps at homes, paying for transportation to and from Las Vegas where they are receiving treatments and covering out-of-pocket expenses. Sharon is a true cancer survivor and I feel like we could help those like her in this community.

So, here is my idea! Do you all think we as a community (VAF) could raise $1,000? That is only $5 from 200 people. We have over 9,000 members!
Here is what I will do if you donate. Please send me a picture of you and/or your loved ones (or your plane) and I will assemble a collage of the pictures of everyone who donated no matter the amount and get it nicely printed and framed for Sharon to hang in one of the community facilities at Death Valley. Not only will our help go directly to the real people dealing with such a horrible thing, it also shows the Death Valley community that the people who use their airport and services really do care. I will even deliver the picture and donation personally prior to or at the event.

We have 30 days to complete this goal and I will keep this thread updated on our progress.
You also might want to fly into Furnace Creek for this walk event if you can. I’m going to try and make it if my schedule allows. It would be fun to walk with a group of people for a great cause in the sun. Just talking with Sharon, I could feel her passion for this event and the overall cause. She really made a strong impression on me.

Send your donations to my Pay Pal account or to me directly and I will make sure every dollar is donated from the VAF community. The participants walking also carry a scroll with a list of names of those who have survived, lost the battle or are currently fighting cancer. The community will read every name during a candle lighting ceremony the first night. Feel free to include name(s) of someone you would like to add to the scroll with your donation.

You can either go to and send money to [email protected] (just put in the notes that is for the Death Valley Walk for Life), or mail a check or anything else to me at the address below. Just make a check out to “Death Valley Walk for Life”.

Scott Schmidt
13982 Timber Ridge Dr.
Draper, UT 84020

I think this is a wonderful chance to help out a group of people in need and help service their community. Plus, $1000 seems like an achievable goal! Even the smallest of good makes a difference!
More information

I scanned the brochure she gave me. It might have more information about the walk and cause if anyone else is interested.


NEW UPDATE - 50% of the way to the goal!

I just wanted to update everyone today on our progress and I thought I would do an update every time we pass a $100 mark or twice per week. (whichever comes first)
Thanks for all the support, this will make a big difference.

90% - Thanks

This group has been incredible in reaching for this goal.
When we started this we had to raise $33.33 per day to reach our goal and to date we have raised $45.00 per day. Now we just need $10 per day for the last 10 days to accomplish our goal.
I hope you all have enjoyed this so far. If you want to have a picture on the collage please e-mail to me as I will start working on that this coming weekend.([email protected]) I am not sure which day I will be heading down but I will let you all know just in case you want to take a flight to Furnace Creek for the day.

Also, if you still want to donate, here is a link on how to do it. You can do it either by mail or PayPal.
Thanks. :D

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Death Valley

I'm sending another $100 off today in the mail. That will help make the goal and then some.:) A great project! Thanks for doing it. Dan Riggs (building RV-10)
Incredible, we did it!

I'm sending another $100 off today in the mail. That will help make the goal and then some.:) A great project! Thanks for doing it. Dan Riggs (building RV-10)

Wow Dan, with that pledge we have reached our goal.


I want to personally thank everyone who has donated so far. We have a pretty long list and it doesn't matter if you contributed $1, $5, or $100, thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to this cause. Cancer has affected all of us in some way and it is nice to know we are helping out a few that are currently fighting this battle.

I think we can beat our goal over the next few days.

Again, awesome everyone!
Death Valley

Unless you have had a loved one with cancer (my case, wife) you can't understand the physical and emotional traumas associated with the disease. Then you add in the isolation that the folks in Death Valley experience. Gotta be pretty tough! it's a long way to go for treatment.
Thanks again Scott, for recognizing the need and responding to it and rallying the troops. Dan
Unless you have had a loved one with cancer (my case, wife) you can't understand the physical and emotional traumas associated with the disease. Then you add in the isolation that the folks in Death Valley experience. Gotta be pretty tough! it's a long way to go for treatment.
Thanks again Scott, for recognizing the need and responding to it and rallying the troops. Dan

I'm sorry you had to deal with cancer so close to you. Unfortunately, cancer took my wife's father two years ago (55 years old). Everyone fighting cancer needs all the support possible.
Thanks again.
Operation - Deliver Money, Friday at 1:30pm

Just wanted to send out a quick note that I will be flying down to Furnace Creek tomorrow (Friday, May 1) around 1:30pm from SLC. Should be about a 2 hour 40 min. flight with a headwind.

I will post the final numbers and picture later tonight.
Final Numbers and Photo Collage

Well the final numbers are in and our group raised $1200 for the Death Valley Walk for Life!

Thank you all for joining in on this together. I called Sharon last night to let her know what our group had done and she was speechless. She had just given out a $500 gas card to cover transportation for treatment costs to Las Vegas and their funds were running very low. She said over and over that we cannot understand how much this is going to help them. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. I will be sure to give all the kudos to all of you when I present the money and photo.

Here is our collage. I have it framed (11X17) and she will have this to remember our group by. Not everyone is pictured and some wanted to remain anonymous. If I left you out I am so sorry, I did my best to include everyone that submitted a photograph.

The pictures are very special. Some are of our airplanes, our family, ourselves, cancer survivors and friends and family that lost the battle.

I'll follow up again this weekend with the delivery photos.

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Mission Complete - Final Death Valley Post


On Friday night my wife and I delivered the VAF donation to Sharon for the Death Valley Walk for Life.


Again, I cannot say how grateful she was for all the support from our group.
What a great success!

Summary of our delivery trip.
We left Salt Lake around 3pm and had a great flight down to Death Valley through Nevada. It was a nice day with clouds around 14,000 we cruised at 10,500.


Filling the plane with the package on the wing.

Some of the pictures on the way down.



Approaching Furnace Creek
Mission Complete - Final Death Valley Post

After landing we walked into Furnace Creek. It is about a one mile walk. The temps were around 96 degrees.


We arrived a little early and had a quick bite to eat at the cafe while we waited to meet up with Sharon.
Here are a few pictures of the grounds around Furnace Creek. The last time we were here last month we didn't hang out in this area too much.




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Mission Complete - Final Death Valley Post

After delivering the picture we made our way back to the plane and had a great flight home. The tail winds were strong on the way back and most of the flight was over 200 knots GS.



Flying over Salt Lake City.

Thanks for all the support and by the way, we actually donated $1,220 thanks to a last minute donation.