
Well Known Member
Does Vans make an effort to offer any significant deals at Oshkosh? I'm thinking of going and wondering if deals can be had on the kits or if it's business as usuall and just a chance to see what they offer?
Business as usual. I bought my tail kit at last year's OSH - no deals. All their products will be on display, and several of them (including Van) are usually around to answer questions. You can sit in the models, and they offer flights, though these are hard to get and expectedly very brief. Conversely, tools and equipment can be had for lowered pricing at OSH - I bought most of my Avery tools there and saved over 10%.
Van's at OSH

It's business as usual. Van's believe they offer a good value year-round and they don't need to (or perhaps they can't) offer any special deals at OSH or SnF. My experience suggests this is actually the case.

Any more it seems there are few real deals to be had at OSH (or SnF) imo. You can save 5 or maybe 10% on somethings but you need to be a smart shopper. I paid cash for my GRT EFIS last year and got a small discount. A few years ago I got a good deal on a new rivet gun kit with various sets (about 10% off and free shipping). Last year I had a shopping list for my 9A and my some avionics to update my Cherokee. I came home mostly empty handed (well, my wife didn't think 10k spent on the EFIS was quite empty handed). I couldn't find a panel gps cheaper than I could buy it from John Stark and I couldn't find an ELT cheaper than Van's catalog. There are lots of "sales" and even more "deals" but in my experience the past few years have not been like even a five or six years ago in terms of actually saving money. YMMV - of course...and I really hope it does, but I'd lay odds it won't change at Van's.

If you know what you're buying check out some of the used offerings at the fly mart but once again be prepared to walk away.
Casting calls

kevinsky18 said:
Does Vans make an effort to offer any significant deals at Oshkosh? I'm thinking of going and wondering if deals can be had on the kits or if it's business as usuall and just a chance to see what they offer?

Check in your city for Casting Calls for "Last Comic Standing." Savings at Oshkosh, heeeheee haaaaahaaaaa. It doesn't take long to learn that Van is tighter than tree bark!!! I've heard some of the inside stories and they are legendary!!!!

On a serious note, you can get great deals on virtually everything else you need for your plane while there.
OK, that brings up another question... do many of you negotiate deals at OSH? Or do you find that stuff is already discounted?

And how do you deal? Like a car dealer...just make an offer?

Any advice appreciated.
What about Oregon Aero

I'm ready to upgrade my seat cushions on my 8. Anybody have any experience with Oregon Aero and show prices either at SnF or OSH?
While I don't know about their show prices, I absolutely love my Oregon seats. They even took the time to customize my pilot seat cushions for my "shortness of stature" frame.
Scott Will said:
While I don't know about their show prices, I absolutely love my Oregon seats. They even took the time to customize my pilot seat cushions for my "shortness of stature" frame.

How much are the Oregon seats? Classic lists their prices on the web but I can't find any on Oregons website?
Oregon Aero has the seat foam core prices on their web site but you have to ask for a quote for upholstery. My RV-8 seats were priced at:

Front seat core - $360.0
Reat seat core - $450.00
Upholstery - $400.00 per seat

THey definately aren't the cheapest and the RV-8 seat cores are more expensive than the cores for other RVs. They sent me the cores to see if I liked the fit and I sent them back for upholstery. I could have had the upholstery done a little cheaper by some of the other companies, but I just went with Oregon for simplicity. Oregon's turn around time is shorter than the other companies as well right now.
$$$ in pocket

alpinelakespilot2000 said:
My example: on a Icom A200 (non-TSO'd) Pacific/Gulf Coast Avionics wanted $750 or $799 (Some "show" price, I remember thinking to myself!) By the time I asked them to beat the price of someone else, however, I only paid $650, plus got an additional $100 rebate. $550 not to shabby for a great radio!.
At OSH 05 I purchased an icom a6 and a lowrance 2000c. The savings PAID FOR my round trip ticket from SFO!!! :D
Deal'n at OSH

Was at OSH last year near the end- I asked Tom Green at Vans if I could schedule a Demo flight in a 6/7a- that was a good laugh. :p Walked around in the hangers dealing for a 2000c and traded in my old megelan in for a great deal. I'll be at Sun-n-fun looking for more avionics for the 6a- who knows- maybe finaly find a ride in one :eek:
Demo Ride

I walked into the VAN's tent last year at OSH on Monday and asked if any demo rides were available and was able to schedule a ride for 1 oclock on Wednesday. Took about a 15 minute ride in 7A, N137VA over the lake and was sold.
I'm now happily flying and 8 and can't get the smile off my face.

Got a Van's closeout t-shirt for 8.00. Deal of the day. Then went and got a brat and a few cold ones and then I was down 25.00. Go figure. Will always have a good time but you have to LOOK for the deals. They are out there. 2004 my friend bought a L2000C for 599. Went the next day and they were sold out. I wonder why.

Good luck hunting !!!!