
Well Known Member
So I bid my vacation a year in advance to try and catch the Petit Jean weekend, I missed it by one weekend this year. Oh well, I'm still loading the airplane and taking my oldest daughter Hope flying. I"m kinda a sucker for trips in the RV with my family.

I was planning on a trip out west, but with TS Sergio moisture working it's way through the southwest I shifted my focus east. After a look at the long range weather and a couple last minute calls, emails and texts I made a "flexible" plan for a trip to DC and East Tennessee.

Saturday morning I woke to the alarm, peeked outside then pulled current METARs/TAFs and went back to bed. I'm not mixing IFR with darkness and I got a little more sleep. I settled for 45 minutes after sunrise and some improvement in the ceilings/Vis. The layer was less than 300' thick, passed on a PIREP and climbed Eastward.


I planned a 4+15 leg at FL190 and 60+ tailwinds, issues with my O2 had me change to 110 and a fuel stop at KBFR in Indiana.



4.7 hours flight time from home base by Kc we landed at KHWY just after lunchtime. We grabbed a courtesy car and headed through the Virginia country side to the FAA Command Center where my Friend and co-worker Jess was expecting us. Jess gave us a in depth tour of the command center, the home of Traffic Management Initiatives-Weather ReRoutes-Ground Delay Programs and general headquarters of "The Big Picture." Acronyms were used liberally and we had a great tour!



On the way to the Command Center we passed this sign and it peaked our interest but it was only 2:00....


On the way back to the airport we stopped at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church to see what the "Crabs to Go" was all about. We walked into the parish center and were greeted by a couple parishioners and boxes of freshly steamed crabs. Being from Kansas Hope and I know our way around red meat, but our seafood experience is pretty limited. The Parishioners were great and after a couple minutes of dual instruction we were signed off and sent away with half a dozen crabs and a miniature mallet. Luckily there was a picnic table at the airport and we had a seafood experience while watching the airplanes. We tore those crabs up!



Just happened to run into another VAF'r BUD K from back home while we were paying for fuel, small world!
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I recently took the DC SFRA course, but still felt more comfortable flying IFR into the SFRA. My final destination was W00, Freeway airport.

I filed KHWY..BRV..OTT..OTT020010..W00
(OTT020010 was a fix I "wagged' because there wasn't a handy intersection available to stay east of the FRZ) and called the Potomac Apch clearance delivery phone number in the AFD. I filed around the restricted areas and the FRZ.



I used the Potomac Clearance Delivery phone number listed in the AFD for KHWY, the direct line to Potomac worked great for obtaining/cancelling a clearance. I was cleared to W00 via "enter controlled airspace" (i.e. comply with any non standard Departure Procedures) direct CSN, then as filed. I obtained the IFR release with my clearance and was soon airborne direct CSN. Shortly later I was given direct BRV and then vectors all the way into W00. Over Quantico


A distant Andrew's off the left wing.


I have to agree with the others' assessment of W00 posted here:

We had a paved tie down spot amid the tall grass and looked twice before we walked across the runway to the FBO.


I'm not sure I could keep it on the taxiway with the tail dragger.....


$10/day to park the RV was reasonable, I fumbled through the UBER app and had a ride to the Metro....
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Brings back memories

Our middle son is a Controller at KCAE and your post takes me back to when he worked at the Vint Hill facility. Classy place. We used KHWY for a good while, eventually working the SFRA and using KHEF Manassas. They lived in Gainesville, close enough for him to bike to work. Great pics.
Yes I recognized a lot of that airspace. KHWY was home base for years and used to get my Mooney serviced at Freeway. Filing IFR makes the SFRA a nobrainer but I still long for the old days when you coukd get VFR flight following vectors flying Warrenton to Freeway direct DCA direct. Great view of the mall at maybe 3000? while arrivals and departures at Reagan flow in under you.
I remember that TRACON building. Was on a tour with a group of GA pilots several years ago. Learned a ton about the other side of the radio.
After about a 15 minute Uber ride we made it to the Metro, took another 15 minutes to figure out the metro cards and turnstiles.......We stuck out like sore thumbs......


We managed to find our Hotel between Farragutt and Foggy Bottom, drop off our backpacks and do some exploring on the way to and from dinner.


The Eisenhower Executive Office Center.


Both sides of the White House.


We woke up and hit the streets, I was searching for a coffee shop on the way to the Metro. I ordered a cup and asked Hope if she wanted a Hot Chocolate. She wanted to try a Cappuccino........what happened to my kiddo that loves hot chocolate and thinks coffee is gross? Guess who now really likes Cappuccino...



Seemed to have some construction going on at the Washington Monument.


Our first Museum was the Holocaust memorial, Very sobering and Very good.



In the spirit of vacation and fun we were going to try all new to us food and places to eat. A quick google search turned up Luke's Seafood as a likely spot for a good Lobster Roll, we split a shrimp roll for dessert.


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After lunch was the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, we chose it because of all of the animals it contained.


We were most caught off guard with the Geology, Gems and Minerals exhibit. It was fantastic.



Capital Hill Building while walking between museums.


Of course we had to peek into the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.



I liked the navigation section, I waited in line with the kids and used a Sextant for the first was cool. I wonder how long until they put my panel in this display....

Next was the National Gallery of Art.



We took a small break at the Hotel and went to the evening service at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. The architecture and art throughout were pretty amazing, the music from the choir was worthy of an admission price. JFK's funeral was held at this Cathedral in 1963.


Hope wanted to eat in and apparently has never had Dominos before, after all of the days walking I didn't mind taking it easy.

The picture of your daughter in your first post with a crab in one hand and hammer in the other is a crack up. What a fun trip. Make the most of time like that - they grow up fast!
Small World

Nice meeting you and your daughter Andy. It is a small world. Next time you fly down to TRL, fly into our place. If the hangar door is open, we're home.

Bud K
Family airplane trip

Andy, What an amazing trip with your daughter!! The tour of the ATC center would send me to nerd heaven. And the crabs look pretty good too.
Hope we get to catch up soon.

We?re thinking of visiting Virginia - someplace we can fly to from N. Carolina and about 2-3 hours driving from Dover so we can meet up with my daughter and granddaughters. We?d all stay the weekend... have any suggestions where we should go?

Fair Winds,
Bud, Wilco!

Sandy, hope to meet up again as well! I wish I had a recommendation but really just winging it.
Great trip for her and you together

Next was the National Gallery of Art.



We took a small break at the Hotel and went to the evening service at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. The architecture and art throughout were pretty amazing, the music from the choir was worthy of an admission price. JFK's funeral was held at this Cathedral in 1963.


Hope wanted to eat in and apparently has never had Dominos before, after all of the days walking I didn't mind taking it easy.


Boy she is growing up so fast.
Great times.
When I finish my RV-7A I plan to fly it into the SFRA to visit my son. Never done this before so I find your trip report particularly interesting. I was thinking I'm required have 12" N-number letters. I notice you don't so curious if this requirement is true?

Also appreciate the travel reports. I can't say this enough but they really help inspire those of us in the middle of building our RVs.

UPDATE: I should have known this has already been covered on the VAF. Good to see I don't need the 12" numbers for the SFRA. Go VAF!
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Great trip report!

I've logged quite a few flights in that NWA 747 and have time in all three seats.

When I finish my RV-7A I plan to fly it into the SFRA to visit my son. Never done this before so I find your trip report particularly interesting. I was thinking I'm required have 12" N-number letters. I notice you don't so curious if this requirement is true?

Also appreciate the travel reports. I can't say this enough but they really help inspire those of us in the middle of building our RVs.

UPDATE: I should have known this has already been covered on the VAF. Good to see I don't need the 12" numbers for the SFRA. Go VAF!

Whew, I was scratching my head and re-reading FAR?s and NASA Reports! I?ve got a call into my local FAAST rep just in case.
Our early departure flight the next morning was delayed due to some rain showers and low ceilings, We hoisted our backpacks (backpacks are way easier to carry than suitcases) and jumped on the Metro to go see the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.
While switching from the orange line to the red line at Metro Center the morning rush was in full swing. Hope stepped just inside the doors on the red line and the subway doors pinched shut on her backpack.......:eek:.......We got her pulled free and at least I had a good chuckle.

The Basilica is the 10th largest church in the world, it was truly massive with a full basement (crypt church) and upstairs.


There are over 80 separate chapels dedicated/designed to various locals and peoples all over the world. The tour person wasn't available today so we did the audio tour, Just a few pics of the many mosaics and artwork.



Check out the pipes on that organ!

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After the Basilica tour the clouds and rain started to clear and we Metro/taxied our way back to W00. I filed W00..Churk..KTGI and 030 for lateral and vertical clearance of the restricted areas. We were looking forward to fresh crab for lunch...


I really liked having a direct phone number (in the AFD) to Potomac Apch for clearance delivery and cancellation, I was cleared via "Enter Controlled Airspace Heading 130, then as filed" followed by a release void in 8 minutes. Shortly after takeoff I was re-routed west of the restricted areas, no big deal after I asked for the phonetic spelling. SteinAir is apparently a big deal on the east coast too as he has his own intersection.....


We weren't on course more than 10 minutes when we received vectors for more direct routing which just happened to be right along the north side of Pax River Naval Base.


Definitely "feet wet" over the Chesapeake Bay.


Lunch....I mean Tangier Island in sight, wind was 20ish you can see in the waves.



After a short walk from the airport we arrived at Lorainne's. We shared a crab cake on a bun and a soft shell crab sandwich each with a bowl of crab soup, as good as the sandwiches were I think the soup beats them both.



We loved the sidewalk/golf cart path to the airport, almost easier to grab lunch at Tangier than to get a courtesy car and lunch on the mainland.


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Hey Andy,
Thanks for the ride.
My youngest (a little older than your oldest @ 29) and I will be arriving DC tomorrow. Looking forward to some of the same sights and a Cowboy's game before returning Monday.
It was still breezy when we took of from Tangier, definitely a good time to stay low and out of the 45 knts on the nose and the Restricted Areas....


Defenitely feeling "feet wet," but after building, maintaining and flying this thing for a couple years its a confident "feet wet" feeling.



We stayed low and VFR all the way to KMTV for fuel and a potty stop.


We filed IFR due to the clouds and higher mountainous terrain, we bounced around in the clouds most of the time but still were rewarded with awesome views of the Appalachians during the 2 hour flight. I'm sure you guys in the southeast take it for granted but to us the views were pretty magical.





I honestly couldn't spot our destination runway until we were on top of it, a right downwind worked well as M McGraw suggested. Look for the runway behind the airplane, being a flatlander I was a little intimidated with the slope but no obstacles and landing uphill on the smooth grass made it easy.


Another pic of the runway without the airplane in the way, the "backyard" is the perfect description.


Thanks again M MCGRAW and Sandy, your hospitality was the BEST! My wife still can't believe the friendships and comradery formed on VAF.
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I've been a waterski/watersports junkie for about 13 years before I discovered airplanes, since we were so close I just had to take a tour. We were greeted by this fiberglass shell being cleaned before inspections and further assembly at the start of our tour. For whatever reason I think Hope enjoyed the tour more than myself.


We walked into the Mastercraft Plant and were greeted with bright green molds.


This basic hull mold is hand masked for the various gel coat colors sprayed into the mold.


They have a CNC type machine to cut the various cloth for the boats.


They spray a epoxy/glass chop first.



Then they fill the voids with filler.


Then they use the CNC cut glass to finish the hulls.


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Foam ribs glassed into the floor bottom.


The stringer mold is pressed into the hull by the steel beam, they fill the fiberglass stringers with foam and glue it to the hull with a weld-on product.


A good view of the finished stringers as a worker is installing a ballast tank.


When a hull is complete they pop it out of the mold and install a drill jig to drill all the necessary holes. You can see the various drill jigs stacked against the wall for the different hulls.




The interior and topside pieces were made with male and female molds squeezed together, apparently they partnered with Cirrus Aircraft on these molds and processes.

A couple pics of the assembly line.




I believe they push 14 boats a day out the door, this one is coming off the line and onto a trailer. Right out the door they drop in some gas and do an hour plus lake trial on the lake in their backyard.


One last look at one of the COOLEST grass runways I've landed on.


The Iphone wasn't able to capture the true view of the mountains poking through the clouds on the way home.




Hope was able to log a couple hours on the way home, why won't any of my kids keep their shoes on!



Trip summary:
-Over 2000 miles
-13.6 flight hours @ 160 KTAS
-108 gallons of fuel
-just under 8 gph
-avg price fuel/gallon $4.05 (20 gallons Mogas)

That's a lot of travel for $438 in gas!
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Good thread!

Thanks for stopping in with Hope. Sandy and I enjoyed the company!

P.S - The shoe thing was always a mystery with my boys also. :)
Andy and Hope,

Great Trip! Loved the selfies and the varied expressions all along the way!

Daddy/Daughter for the win!
Thanks for stopping in with Hope. Sandy and I enjoyed the company!

P.S - The shoe thing was always a mystery with my boys also. :)

Marvin and Sandy,
Double Thanks again, we loved the visit and can?t wait to do it again!

Andy & Hope