
Well Known Member
We will be flying our RV-7A to Daytona in February for the NASCAR Cup race. Looking for recommendations of the numerous airports in and around the area, ,including DAB. Will need a rental (prefer Hertz). Also want to hangar the aircraft, since we will be there for a week. Will need fuel and prefer a place where they waive any fees if fuel is purchased. Of course, willing to pay reasonable daily/weekly fee for hangar space.

I have searched the forums and most of the information for that area is quite old. So, am poking the forums for updates.

Hey Rich,
Hopefully some will be along shortly with first hand fly/race info. I would only be good for general area help.
A lot depends on whether you are spending any time in the area or just flying in and out the same day.
Most of the airports in the are are catering to the race crowd that week and KDAB has I think two FBO's that set up big tents and provide buses for the event. They are catering to the corporate jet crowd and it can get costly. I don't think you will find a hanger or anyone willing to forgive a fee for fuel. For that you will need to drive quite a ways from Daytona. Lots of nice airports in the area but would need to know where you are staying.
KDAB and North get touristy and South gets beachier.
I like KEVB.

We have done this many times in the past. We stay at KISM, and usually do day trips around Florida. Miami boat show, Key West, rent a boat for a day cruise in the inner coastal, etc. The day of the race we fly to Daytona, very easy because most of the big iron is already there. The fbo, will shuttle you to the track. After the race we walk back to fbo and are usually back in Kissimmee in less than an hour. I have heard horror stories of 8 hour drives back to Orlando! It?s a great trip enjoy.
Sheltair north side. Great people. 16 different rental cars. Never been any fees for bike week daily visits. Enjoy Florida.