
Well Known Member
If we are just flying into OSH for the day in the -9A, where is the best place to request to park. Getting out easy after the airshow is the priority. We plan to arrive shortly after the field opens.

Sorry if this is a stupid question - been that kinda day.
If we are just flying into OSH for the day in the -9A, where is the best place to request to park. Getting out easy after the airshow is the priority. We plan to arrive shortly after the field opens....
Opinions may differ, but for a day visit during AirVenture week I would request parking on the northeast end of the field on the ramp adjacent the terminal building. It is a simple matter to catch a shuttle bus from there to the convention grounds.
What Sign?


What sign would I hold up to get parked in that area. HBP? GAP? Something else.

Thanks for the help!
OSH parking

Getting out easy is the question- many dapartures after the air show and all dependant on where you are going and who in the line in front of you.
FWIW- I think I would try home built parking- (HBP sign) and you may get a close parking at runway 18/L/R departures for east and south departures.
watch the show near your 9A ... then go from there ...

Though Rick may have a better plan...that sign may be FBO

We are OSH bound in the morning! - yeeaa :D
which way the wind blows :)

don't know if it's the best or not but I've done HBP a couple of times when arriving during the last half of the week. Tend to get a close to the front spot as the early birds are leaving.

Getting out quickly really depends upon which way the wind is blowing :)

If they're using 18/36 for departure's, being in HBP is a good place. If you have to taxi to 27 it's a toss up :.

Planning on arriving around 7-7:30 am tomorrow (Wed) myself in the 7A from Iowa for a day trip. I'll be back at the plane ready for departure by 6:30 pm and as long as I get off the ground by 8:00, all will be okay.
