
Well Known Member
I was getting tired of local area ops so my brother-in-law and I hoped in the RV and flew down to Kitty Hawk from Baltimore. Here's a write-up of the trip with lots of pics. Enjoy.


Day Trip

Nice pics, nice write up, nice airplane. I would like to do the trip someday but it is a little more than a day for us left coasters. Thanks for taking me along on your trip.
Holy Ground

Good write up. I really enjoyed flying in there with my own homebuilt plane too and sharing that experience with my wife. She definately appreciated aviation much more and respected 'homebuilders' much more after touring the site. Amazing how quickly aviation travelled from that first powered flight to that first manned landing on the moon. Humbling.
Nice images!

Good photos and text, thanks.

Among my planned pilgrimage flights for when I complete the Streaker are Kitty Hawk, and (of course) Oshkosh.

I drove to Kitty Hawk a couple of years back, and (being something of a history buff, and a sentimentalist as well) I picked up a little sand from kill Devil Hill to be a permanent passenger in my 7A.

Nice report, Bill. I posted not too long ago asking for ideas of where to fly, now that N8RV is up and running. You just added another destination for a day trip. Thanks! :D
Kitty Hawk tour

Hey Bill,

Great travel log. Years ago I was there before my RV days and attended a presentation given by one of the park rangers. He was an elderly gentleman who gave an amazing account of just what the Wright brothers went through to reach their goal. The logistics of bringing equipment and people to and from the Outer Banks back then was very difficult and time consuming, especially from Ohio, where they were based. As your photo shows, there was absolutely nothing there at that time, no BBQ stands or hardware stores. Everything had to be brought in with them. I don't think most people have a true appreciation for what these guys went through to reach their goal.

Bruce Raymond
Your video was outstanding. Loved every minute of it. I hope I can make that trip someday.
Thanks again
Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
Very nice

You did a really nice job of putting that together.

Tell Jim I said Hi. He was supposed to come out to Michigan this weekend but the weather didn't look good. The good news is he's retracing your steps with his son down to Kitty Hawk instead.

Take care

Nice video and thanks for sharing. I believe I saw that new paint job in the works at Smoketown a couple weeks back. Looks good!


Wow....nice of the best videos i have ever seen posted here....good music selectionss all that 80's "grundge" music that is used too often in videos:D
Priceless Photo

Great video compilation and the framed photo in front of the monument makes all the work worth it.

Hope to make this trip when the weather settles down in the fall. I want that same photo on my office wall.

Well done!!