
Well Known Member
We have lost another member and prolific builder. David Domeier passed away yesterday evening suddenly after returning home from the airport. He had just finished an RV-12 project with a good friend and repeat builder. He was active in the St Louis builder community and EAA and a good friend to all of us. Dave had to his credit a Cozy, RV-7, and RV-8. He was a retired TWA captain and US Air Force aviator. Aviation was surely in his blood. David will be missed by all of us ....
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We are Saddened bye the Loss of our great Friend, Trustee, and Neighbor David. He was a great Asset to our Troy Airpark Community, if not for Dave we would not have a hard surface runway, best thing we ever did. He will be greatly Missed here at Troy Airpark.
Oh no. I never met David, but feel a loss from our community. He was friendly and helpful in several email exchanges we had. Prayers to
his family.
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I am saddened to read this. Although I never met him, I could sense in his posts that he was a good man. My sincerest expression of sympathy is extended to his family and friends.
I met Dave about 2000 at a EAA local chapter event. At the time he was finishing up his Cozy project. Although I never really have connected, even with him in the same city as I, I have followed him through his posts here on Vans Airforce. Followed through his forced landing of his Cozy loosing a exhaust pipe on way home from Sun and Fun and his Subaru powered RV-7A. I have other friends at Troy Airpark and considered moving there especially after Dave got the runway paved.
Very interesting how you know someone through a internet connection like this forum and, even being in the same city but never really connecting in person, you seem to feel like you know him well. I will miss Dave and his tangential connection to my life through our common interest, generally in experimental aircraft and specifically in RVs.
I had the pleasure of meeting David at Airventure many years ago. He had his Cozy MKIV there and at the time I was building one, so I had many questions and he was gracious enough to indulge me. The aviation community has lost a great ambassador.
I am saddened to read this. Although I never met him, I could sense in his posts that he was a good man. My sincerest expression of sympathy is extended to his family and friends.

Don, you echoed my thoughts exactly.

David, you will be missed. Thank you for all the years of online friendship. Thoughts and prayers to all his family and friends.

Boomer arranged tours of a KC135 tanker at OSH some years back. Pretty sure David flew them in his AF days. Anyway, the memory I have of him is watching him bounce down the airstair after his tour. Lot of age on him even then, but at that moment, he was a 20-something again. It was great to see.
Very sad to hear. David was a truly nice guy and loved airplanes his whole life. He'd flown F-86s and KC-97s (and probably many other types I don't know about). From the same time as my father who was in the RCAF and also flew F-86s in that great era. We traded many emails over the years about his military flying and about Subaru engines as he flew an RV with Subaru power for quite some time.

Never met him in person but judging from our correspondence, he was a fine man in every respect.

He went through a hard time a few years back when his wife was going through serious health issues and finally passed away. He picked up the pieces and moved north and was back at building a flying again. Always happy, humble, positive and helpful to other builders. Sounds like a life well lived from what I know.

We'll miss you here David. Blue skies and tailwinds...
Sad news

Struggling for words - DD was just a great guy, and someone who always made me feel good. Very experienced but amazingly humble. He's forgotten more about flying than I'll ever know. He taught me a lot, and I hope to pass on some of that wisdom. Godspeed, David.
I saw the title of this thread, but hoped it was not so.
My condolences to the family. I remember his struggles when his wife passed.

David & I communicated many times over the years. We shared knowledge on converting from A model to tail wheel along with catto prop discussions.

I was fortunate to finally meet him at the OshKosh social a few years ago.

Sad day.
David was 80 years old and had been posting on VansAirforce for a very long time. As a result many felt that they knew him even if they had never met him, myself included. He made 4514 posts and started hundreds of threads. In the early days he was an ardent advocate for the Eggenfellner H6 Subaru engine and installed one in an RV7A. But like so many others he eventually lost confidence in the engine and replaced it with a Lycoming. Here’s a thread he started in 2016 when he was 77 dealing with the issue of ageing. Quite compelling reading now.
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I read that post having to admit the same thoughts have crossed my mind. I am 10 years behind, but it struck a cord. Ya never know. I watched a lady pilot at out airport walking across the tarmac. I commented to a guy nearby, she's a pistol . . he agreed. Two weeks ago she turned 90, CFII, and flies every nice day. That won't be me.

Rest in Peace, David.

Sad to hear the news. I?ve known David since early 2000s when we both built 7 at the same time. Great guy
I am stunned and saddened.

We corresponded quite a lot, especially about cooling strategies and PSDU features of the 'egg', as I was initially considering that option. He was always forthright, no hidden agendas, gave balanced views including pros and cons. We also talked a lot about flying the -8.

A real gem. He will be missed by all of us.
Great Guy!

I met Dave on several occasions as I lived in the St Louis area at the time. He actually came to my hangar with Frank Baldwin who did my airworthiness inspection on my RV8. Dave was building his RV8 at the time at the Troy MO air park. Both former TWA Captains and avid GA pilots. Very sad news!
Very sad

David was our friend and neighbor at the Troy Airpark. Our hearts are heavy with this loss of a friend. He will be missed. Heaven just received a special person and great aviator. Blue skies David!

John and Gloria